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Getting a "film out"

Which would be a better camera to shoot on for a film out?
5d Mark II (full frame)
EX3 w/ dof adapter (1/2" sensor)
HPX 500 w/ dof adapter (2/3" sensor)
Which would be a better camera to shoot on for a film out?
5d Mark II (full frame)
EX3 w/ dof adapter (1/2" sensor)
HPX 500 w/ dof adapter (2/3" sensor)

The HPX500 has not only the largest sensor, but the lowest compression scheme, so that one will have the sharpest image, and then will look "best" when doing a film out.

A film out means getting a celluloid film print made from the digital source, IE going from video to a film print.

It's a giant waste of money. As more and more exhibition goes digital, the need for a 35mm film print lowers. Unless you have already been accepted to one of the 2-3 film festivals on the planet that require a 35mm film print - DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY! It's expensive (about $400 per minute) and that is money you will never get back.