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Genrefinity: The Complete Series

I know I've been MIA for a while, but personal life trumps filmmaking life. :)

Anyway, my four-part web series Genrefinity is now available for purchase through CreateSpace and Amazon. It has maintained a 92% cumulative rating on Funny or Die, and we are now selling it in hopes of drumming up interest and support for a continuation as a feature film. The DVD includes two commentary tracks, outtakes, alternate and extended scenes, and more.

More information on the feature film is available on Kickstarter. Most of you are probably aware of Kickstarter, but for those that aren't you can make a pledge to a project for certain incentives. You will not be charged if the funding goal is not reached, and all pledges are handled through Amazon.

If you want to watch the episodes I've posted the link in the Narrative Screening forum here.