archived-videos Funniest Cult Videos

Funniest Cult Videos - Should be working now!

Hi everyone,

this is a short film (under two minutes) that was made for a competition (not a film competition, hence the shoddiness). The aim of the comp is to get the logo for triple j radio (australia) out to as many people as possible. My sister, her friend and I filmed it in 2 -3 hours in the middle of a huge hailstorm and it was edited in under an hour, hence the dodgy continuity! Maria the filmmaker is actually pretty talented, she's done another great film for her final year at school called 'The Sound of Silence', but that's not available online yet as it's still being marked. Anyway I'd really appreciate it if people went and had a look at it. It's meant to be funny :P


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Sadly, the link does not appear to be working. :no:

Edit: The site was up and down like a yo-yo for a while there. Here is an alternate link.

(Leaving it up for a week, just in case you experience any more hiccups)

Edit: Gone. :)

Here is the link to the Triple J Guestbook, as well.
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What's with the title? I was expecting some kind of silly thing to happen at the end like the girl kicks one of the hooded figures in the crotch and we hear canned laughter or something. It was inventive on getting the logo in there, but I was expecting more funny.

hey thanks for watching... i guess the title ... well we couldn't think of anything to call it so we just made it funniest cult videos as opposed to funniest home videos. You don't know how much I wanted to fight back (I was the girl getting killed) but the others just wanted to kill me :(
I read the website about it before watching, so took it more for what it is that what it contained.

Does it achieve its goal? Yes.

Best of luck in winning the prize, btw. Your entry was a lot better than some of the other ones I read about at Triple J.

Now to the movie itself...

Liked the over-sized jawas.
Liked how the girl was running like hell, the jawas walking... and the distance between barely increasing.
Loved the drum-logo. Nice nod to "The Crow".
Liked the drum-track playing throughout.

No need to mention the bad... you covered that pretty well in your original post. :lol:


I'm not even going to rag on the lack of story, given the purpose of the flick. Actually, I would have had no idea what was happening at all had I not read the webpage while it was downloading. :D


Extra points for choosing to make a flick for the contest, too. Go get 'em!!

P.S. I filled in the guestbook linked to Triple J. Has to be mod-approved, but it should be okay... and showing up whenever they get around to it
Okay. I read the prelude now, and it all makes sense...NOW, haha. pretty good...although, I must say that I laughed at how little sense it made when I watched it the first time. It just looked like one of those artsy films that mean something, but only the creator knows what it actually means...I get it now, though. Don't worry...

Good thing: the drum music

Bad thing: The stabbing could at least be off camera to look A LITTLE real.
Thanks for your comments.... Logan, yeah the stabbing was really dodgy, off camera is a good idea for next time we make a stabbing film (my sis. was too worried that she'd actually stab me) and you were right to laugh at it not making sense cos it's not really meant to. Anyway thanks again for watching it and to ZenSteve for signing the guestbook :) often forums like these can be really snobby and negative critical so it's nice to have supportive feedback and a place where people will actually look at your stuff and give you the positives and negatives even when it's something as silly as this vid!
Drummergirl, here's a link to a video from DirectorX, that he made years ago in high-school.

A Slave's Rebellion

It uses some inventive angles to pull off three seperate axe-whackings with virtually zero risk. Might be worth a peek, if you need a tip or two on how to get some good stabbage going in any future flicks. :)
Hello, I liked! Nice drumming. I also was expecting something funny at the end. Ditto on everyones stabbing comments. Good job at getting the logo in.

Thanks Christopher! ZenSteve, thanks for the link to A Slave's Rebellion, I really enjoyed it and it was pretty well done I reckon especially for a highschool flick!
My guestbook entry was authorised and they posted it at the Triple J site. (Currently on page 3)

Seems they forgot to notify me about it.
Hi there, thanks to everyone who looked at our film and to steve for making a guestbook entry (that guestbook was dodge though, lots of ppl told me they put in messages but never got through) unfortunately we didn't win the competition but it was fun making the film, and if you haven't seen it we still have it online line to look at!
Well, you gave a good crack at it anyways.

At least you got it all together and finished a flick. I bet you learned a few things along the way, as well. There is no substiture for lessons learned by experience.

Anything new planned?
