Full Sail University is a waste of time and money.
read it and repost it. Friends don't let friends spend money on a crappy education
I HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT THIS SCHOOL. The only people that seem to be happy with their Full Sail education are either young, naive, students currently enrolled or young, naive, recent grads. Either way, both groups are too young and inexperienced to know any better. The school is a big money-making machine for Jon Phelps, Garry Jones and the rest of the dirtbags that own the school and real estate surrounding it.
The only thing I can think of that would be more foolish than physically attending the school would be to enroll in on-line classes. Search on-line.... they are still hiring instructors for this degree program. Sometimes I wish I had thought up something as stupid as an on-line digital cinematography degree.... shit, PT Barnum was right and Garry and Jon and working the angle. Anybody out there up for a few games of three card monty?
You can find forum threads that go back years and years about how awful the education is at this place. Full Sail has had well over 30,000 graduates and you hear from a very, very few of them afterwards. Every year Full Sail has their Hall of Fame dog and pony show. They march out the same few people and give them the red carpet treatment hoping that they can convince the outside world that Full Sail is awesome and worth $80,000.... you too can become an overworked, underpaid day laborer in some branch of the entertainment industry... and if this is what you want, you don't have to spend the money on a crap education to get it.