Full HD in Film Festivals

Might be a stupid question, but still...

Is it ok to apply for a film festival with a Full HD film?

If so, does it hold up well expanded in a big screen, compared to better formats?

I'm taking about Canon 7D, 5D, etc.

Thanks for your time
There are no film festivals left that don't accept HD content. There are only 3 on the entire planet that only accept 35mm film (Sundance no longer even requires a film print).
If you can't find that thread, I'll condense it for you.

It looks really nice, blown up on the big screen. It doesn't look as nice as a Red. Nor, does it look as nice as film. The main reason it doesn't look as nice, is because of compression. Or, something. Sonnyboo goes into greater detail on that thread, but the short end of it is that it looks nice.
Most film festivals aren't screening video in HD, but SD (Standard Definition) from Beta SP or DigiBeta anyways, so it will look as good as anything else, if it looks good to begin with.