Frontier daze...

Those are both really great articles -- they confirm a lot of what I thought was going on in the industry.

Be interesting to see how this shakes out.
I was talking with a continuity guy on a shoot yesterday, and he was telling me that the industry is in such chaos right now: the internet for marketing, HD for shooting, multiple formats and no standard... and rising quality in low-budget productions... it seems like the perfect time to break into filmmaking... but on the other hand, that's probably what everyone else is thinking... hence the staggering amounts of indie flicks. So the question is- how long before the industry clamps down, and figures out a way to raise the prices/profits for films again? Will new technology continue to open doors, or will it ascend in price until you might as well be shooting 16mm?
Right NOW, I think there is a narrow window to break open the distrubution doors, but as soon as someone figures it out and make a forumla, you can be sure that door will close.
I disagree -- for the last eight years I've been saying that indie film makers need to watch the way that music business evolves, because we've always followed them, in terms of trends.

Those guys started undermining the idea that you needed a dedicated recording studio in the late nineties when the whole industry was just starting to go digital -- now they're really starting to effect the shape of the industry -- especially via pod casting and myspace marketing.

I don't think we'll even start to see this wave starting to break for another four to five years, when the formats start to settle down.

The only thing I think we can say for sure is that in five years time mini-dv will be a historical foot note and that HDV will have been written off as well.

I also think that although cinema will continue to be the showcase of Hollywood, that film rental is going to blow wide open -- with online distribution of content being a major factor.

I think there are real opportunities for niche film producers -- but like I've always said -- it's all going to come down to content. -- Well, that and marketing.