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Freezing certain parts of the shot

Does anybody know how you freeze certain parts of the shot. Having everything freeze but the camera still moving. For example your filming somebody roll a bowling ball. They roll it and everything freezes when the ball is halfway down the lane. As everything is still frozen the camera pans around to the other side of the alley (as everything remains frozen.)
The closets I could find was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1dbrHPIrwA&feature=related. How David Haselhoff is frozen but Sandler is moving.
this shot made famous in the "matrix" though I don't believe that was the first use of it, it certainly was the most famous early use. Also know as "bullet time" effect.
You can do this with cameras only, if you have enough gear! lol.

here is a good explanation

More realistic for us low budget types is to "stage it"

set you camera up for the opening framing of the shot, have your actors "act" like they are rolling a ball down the lane, at the right time yell "freeze" and smoothly circle the imaginary bowling ball mid-lane to your final framing of the shot and call "continue" and have your actors play the rest of the shot.

In post you add the ball and use time remapping in After Effects to bring the effect to life..

Alternatively you could probably just roll a real ball, ignore that it didn't really stop midway, but have everything else stop, then all you need in post is to add the frames where the ball is stopped this might be easier then trying to do the entire ball roll in post....

or just frame the shots so that when you rotate the camera the ball is not actually IN the shot and you just fake it..
for what its worth, its not unrealistic to rent a half dozen DSLR cams for one day to get this shot. I worked(volunteered) on a music video shoot as one of 20 cam operators to get this sorta of effect.. it worked just fine..