• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Free promotion service

Film promotion

I recently posted in this forum to say that I am offering a small scale (but free) promotion service for film makers. I've been overwhelmed by the response and the very positive comments I've received. So just in case anyone was wondering why I provide this service in the first place I thought I'd share my reason(s).

I was brought up and lived all my life in the north west of England. A lovely place but cold and wet most of the time. For a sun worshipper - this is not good. So whilst beavering away trying to earn a crust for the whole of my adult life I dreamt of one day moving somewhere warmer. Fortunately for me my husband shared the same vision so we made plans, thought things through, investigated and researched and finally decided that we would like to move to the south of France when we retired. Sounds easy. It isn't. We had to sell our house in England long before we retired in order to finance buying some property in France. We did that 5 years ago and kept it as a place to visit in the summer. Then last year the time for retirement came and we did what we had set out to do and moved lock, stock and barrel to Montpellier.

I'm sure you must be asking what any of this has to do with promoting film. Well, I can tell you that I used to get heartily sick of people telling me how lucky I was to own property in France, and now how lucky I am to live here. But luck has nothing to do with it. We worked our socks off to achieve what we have achieved and it took a great deal of dedication and effort.

That's why I now do the promotion work. You people are in the same position. You're not "fortunate" to do what you do. You have got there by sheer determination and hard work and almost certainly had to make many sacrifices along the way. So hats off to all of you and if there is anything I can do for you now that I have the time - it will be my pleasure!

Hache ;)
Free film promotion

Hi all,

Have just completed the basic information page for the promotion of 'The Last Intervention'. The idea from here on in is to update on a regular basis as the film progress and to include, if possible, snippets of news, photos, perhaps interviews with cast and crew and so on. More films to follow as and when I can. If you have a moment

Take a look

And if you would like a similar service for your film, current or future, let me know.

Best wishes,

Thanks again Hache for your time and passion.

Update. We've just released the official trailer. You can see it here


Thanks again. Email me if you need more info.

Rafael Blanco
Fantastic Raphael. Thank you so much. I'll update the page tomorrow with a link to the trailer. Haven't seen it myself yet but really looking forward to it tomorrow. Time for dinner now!