Free Film Posters and Artwork for Production

Hi Guys

A while back we were discussing the fact that you can't use Hollywood film posters or DVD covers as artwork in your productions.

I suggested we could find a way to share artwork from our films with other film makers... they get free film posters and we get free publicity

So, I've set a group at Flickr, the photo sharing site, where people can upload images for free... and also download, for free.

It will only work if people upload their film artwork... but if we do, it'll be a great resource for all indie film makers.

Of course you have to have a Flickr account and join the group to upload... but it's all free and it's a useful service to have anyway
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I'm not sure... there's a upload limit per month for the free accounts... but I'm not sure about the individual file limit... I'll find out


I've done some checking... on the free account, it's a 5MB file limit... with a 100MB per month upload capacity.

No limit on downloads I can see.
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Maybe the thing to do is to set up a paypal donation button somewhere and ask for a $1 donation from people who would like to use photos -- or from people submitting photos. Just to help cover that $24/yr cost? I suppose it could even be a lower suggested amount