Free Docu Idea

hey all,
I was talking with my wife about life in Maine when she was growing up. Anyway..

She mentioned something to me that I thought was fascinating...

In the North East there are many old stone quarries that are VERY deep and VERY steep holes in the ground They fill with water and make these scary little lakes that if you fall in, you might not come out.. People are always getting lost in those remote areas of Maine and part of the search will often lead to looking in those old quarries. When she was growing up it was not uncommon to see harbor seals being used to search those black pits of doom.

Interesting idea for documentary, or just local color to add to a feature where someone gets lost in Maine?

Interesting idea for documentary, or just local color to add to a feature where someone gets lost in Maine?


It could certainly be added "color" for a feature. There's definitely something primordial, even sinister, about a dark, water-filled pit. :) But, I also think the idea could be compelling as a documentary from a couple different perspectives: a record of a quarries' reclammation or, if people used it as a dumping ground, a visual document of its' contents. My parent's property had a few old gold mine shafts and tunnels which, for generations, peeps had been using to dump old cars, etc. Of course we could never see what was at the bottom, but it was interesting to speculate.

Also, had an old runoff quarry from a feldspar grinding plant (I guess) about a mile away. I've actually got a scene in my script, The Snow Eater, where a group of kids run a herd of deer off the edge and into that pit.
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