editing frames

Hey there,

Was just wondering, is it possible to join 24 fps and 30fps (fast movements) together? I mean, are there any side effects to this? (lag). I know I can only render it in ONE fps, not two in "project settings" (either 24pfs or 30fps)

Thanks in advance
depends on software..

If you do NO "interpretation" then 24 frames on 30 frames playback will be a bit slow, and 30 frames on 24 playback will be a bit fast.. if the audio is separate from the video, you will have sync issues...

Interpreting the footage in your software tells the software to add\remove frames as necessary to keep the time accurate
I dont know if your using premiere, but this link will explain it a bit more..


There are reason you might not WANT to interpret your footage.. for example, "Overcranking" where you record your video at a high frame rate and play it back at a slower one, thereby getting really smooth slow motion.

The key is your playing back at one frame rate.

Also, dont confuse frame rate with shutter speed. If your talking about that sharp "Saving Private Ryan" look thats a fast shutter not because of the frame rate.