Follow me as I make My Debut Feature Film


I'd like to share something I am currently doing. I'm a huge fan of interactive cinema and, even though the technology hasn't developed yet to make a fully "interactive" experience, I am trying to incorporate the idea into my filmmaking.

This October, I'm producing and directing my debut feature film in Edinburgh, Scotland. I'm employing local crew and actors. Partial proceeds will go to charity.

If you become a team-member through donations, you will be a virtual crew-member, with direct impact upon decision-making in the film. Ex: choosing extras/costume/locations...please see the campaign or my blog for details.

I've begun a crowd-funding campaign at Indiegogo. Watch my video + read about the campaign:

For a link to my Youtube video:

To follow my film-making blog, please visit:

Just in case you're wondering, this isn't spam. I'm fairly new to film-making and I don't know a lot of people. I'm trying to get the word out in every possible way. If you have any questions, please email me at:

Thank you,

Shiphrah Eve Meditz
CEO&Founder at Meditz Productions