Flip Video Cameras?

How do you all feel about them?It would be my first camcorder, so it lloks like it would be a good starter camera. Has any one had experience with one that knows what they're like.

What do you intend to use it for? I do not recommend it for anything you couldn't do with a web-cam. You have no focusing (it's fixed focus), no optical zoom, no audio input, poor image quality, etc. Don't do it, unless you are only interested in shooting up-skirt videos. Save your money a little longer and you'll find something you can afford that will be more robust.
I'm thinking the same thing.

Unless you're planning to do some very basic YouTube type stuff, it sounds like it'd be a better call saving your money and waiting a little while longer.
It isn't a good starter camera if you are learning the process of making movies.
As the others have said, if your goal is to shoot your friends on skateboards or
YouTube pranks or "webcam" stuff or family gatherings, that's an inexpensive
camera to use.

A good starter camera has manual controls and a mic input. That way you can
learn important aspects of making movies like getting better audio, how focus
can be used in a shot, what the white balance does to the feel of a scene and
how lighting and iris settings changes the look and mood.

You can't do any of that with this camera.