Flash/VegasIndiesTv may have help.

Hey peeps, I may be jumping to fast here, but I want to be ready. I just recieved a really good phone call today. This guy Andre, has his own production company, he worked for MTV'S Real World as A Dp, and he supposely has some deal with HBO. And he's interested in VegasIndiesTV. So lets see what happens. Also He may want me to build his website for his production company. And i want someone with Flash experience. So If anyone is interested let me know. Of course nothing has happened yet, but it sounds promising. So no for sures, but he better ready than not right. Just shoot me an email thanks.
Awesome news vegas! :D I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Man I got to send in a few shorts of mine for your TV show. I'm going to have to do that as soon as the NIGHTBEAT DVD gets done. Just kick me! :P