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five sprockets shutting down

from the website:

"After four years as a web service, FiveSprockets.com is shutting down on Friday, 2 November 2012, at 9pm Pacific Standard Time in the USA (Midnight Eastern Standard Time). Please grab any work you may have on this site before then.

The reason: the company simply doesn't have the resources to run this service at a reasonable level of customer service. Thank you to all of our supporters, in your various capacities, over the last several years. There are plenty of other good services out there, so we think you can find a home. If nothing else, try good old Google Docs. Keep writing and keep creating. And never be discouraged because, in the wise words of William Goldman, "Nobody knows anything." Except maybe you.
Sincerely, Randy
Founder, FiveSprockets"
FiveSprockets users, meet Scripped

Now that FiveSprockets is closing down, FiveSprockets users can use Scripped. Simply export from FiveSprockets and import into Scripped. Scripped has been around for over 4 years and will be supported by its parent company for many more years. It's a safe and reliable Web-based screenwriting application.