archived-videos Fish Food, short film, shot on a canon 7D

Here is my latest short film FISH FOOD.
We shot on a canon 7D, This is my first proper short with the 7D and it is truly a great camera for the price!

I'd love to hear what you think of the film, and if you like it please subscribe to my channel as I have a few more shorts on the way over the next few months.

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Oh no worries. Youtube is an aggressive place :)

I mean to ask, too. What is your sound set up? It was solid quality. I've heard the DSLRs aren't the best for sound and don't have audio input jacks.

I used a sennheiser boom mic, and a record device by M-Audio: Micro Track II. I've been asked this question a lot, so I'll write a blog with all the links and stuff in. I'll message you when its up!