First timer

well ive been lookin through these forums for a little bit and this is my first post. Im looking to start shooting some 16mm, and i need a bit of help. Ive been looking at K3's and they seem to be the best option for my price range. I want to shoot color film for right now. I'm going to be putting some 16mm in a skateboarding video i am working on, just some stuff here and there mixed in here and there. Im shooting the rest of it on video with my GL2. However, I also want to do some shorts sometime in 16mm. I have shot a good deal of super 8 in the past, so i have some experince with film. I will be shooting outdoor for my skate video and would also like to do some outdoor night shots. I am wondering what my best options would be as far as a camera goes and what type of film i should be using? I will aprecaite any help/advice anyone has to offer, thanks- CJ
Trusty K-40 is available for 16mm still.

The other colour reversal is the Ecktachrome... apparently it's popular for music-video style films, though it only comes on 400' reels so you'd need to have it spooled down to 100' loads for your K-3.
Yeah Zen is right Kodachorome or Ekta for your first shoot would be good. These are both reversal stocks, so when you get it back you'll be able to see it. :) Might try to find some shortends or recans of Ektachrome that would be smaller lenghts then 400' but might still need to be spooled down to 100' spools. :) 2 places to try that I've had good luck with are...

Raw Stock or DR Group