first time post - color correct online clip

hey folks,

longtime fan...first-time poster. We recently completed a short clip that's now posted online. Not entirely pleased with the color... we really focused on story and humor.... and ended up having to race through post. We had to submit the sample in time for submission in an online contest... I'd love to have another crack at color correction though. Maybe some experts out there can help point me in the right direction on how to fix it for next time... if there is a next time. Please take a look... thanks.
Natural Selection? Starring DJ Squall? At least that's where the link took me. Netflix Indy Competition. I'm assuming that is not your clip or you wouldn't be asking for help with CCing after being able to afford landing "The New Guy".

Perhaps the name of your short would help us find it to critique the CC... unless gathering views and votes is your goal, in which case, please state that as your intent... we're always happy to support fellow filmmakers as we're all in the same boat trying to get exposure.
thanks knightly. DJ Qualls did the scene as a favor to my buddy.

While views and votes are helpful... I am in a contest after all:)...I am genuinely interested in correcting the color for the next iteration - hopefully, this scene will go into the movie. I'm not an expert to say the least, and the guy I 'hired' (for free) knew just enough in fcp to make him dangerous. Most importantly, did you like the scene? (Other than the color)
The scene was good, I think the script needed a little massaging to really get the trying to sell religion a bit.

The color seemed really pushed heaviliy toward yellows. They seemed reminiscent of all fo the Magic Bullet effects I've seen, soft, bloomy higlights, desaturated colors cast this way or that to try to make it look "Filmy".

Set your black and white points with a color corrector in FCP, tweak the mids down or up to taste. Target the ranges with a 3-way and color shift them to suit your taste.
Oh, and have DJ Qualls give me a call ;) That's so cool. I would love to be able to work on a project with bigger name Box Officey types in it... even just a short film that has limited distribution. That would be such a wonderful learning experience! LUCKY!
You should be able to set the white on the clips to remove the red (just push the color wheels away from red a bit in the highlights (or use the eye dropper on them)