Funny the things that bug us!

It doesn't bother me if the software spits out screen numbers, but there are several phrases that really distract me from the storyline, which is a lot of distraction in just ten pages. They're all in the descriptions rather than the dialogue, so you should be able to purge them without affecting the essence of the screenplay.
The first has already been mentioned by
@Unknown Screenwriter : A man is walking his dog
without a bag. Why would the dog have a bag? Or is it the man who doesn't have a bag? If it's the man, why
should he have a bag (and what kind of bag)? What else
doesn't he have? Jeez, there's a lot of unanswered questions here ... what line are we on again?
JAMES shuffles through his mailbox Huh? Oh, no,
he doesn't shuffle through it, he shuffles through
the contents ...
LORAINE, is clawing through the cracks in her blinds - clawing through them like a zombie? That's a very active description, whereas the context seems to be someone spying - a passive state.
She's almost pressed up against the glass trailing James - .... ???

so she
has clawed her way through the blinds, and is now sandwiched between them and the window pane? This has the makings of a comedy, by the sounds of it ... hang on, somehow she's got outside, and is trailing James so we're back to the zombie motif.
A series of windows gives her full access Getting confused now - why would zombie Lorraine need a
series of windows, surely
one window would be enough to give her access to James' house?
OK, I know this is being pernickity, but writing is writing, and if you're creating a mental image using the written word, you need to use the right words. I'm at the end of page one, and I have formed a very clear impression of a zombie woman under the influence of religious artefacts working up an appetite for her neighbour. But, as I read on, it seems that's not at all what the story is about.
A few other examples:
increasingly fades in value - something that is decreasing (fading) can't be simultaneously increasing; and what "value" is referred to here? If you're talking about property values, we've gone from James' "decrepit lawn" to a "pink condominium" so that's surely an
increase in value ... ?
James stands peering out of his kitchen window through open blinds - kind of hard to peer out through closed blinds, isn't it?
The mail box tag whirls up in the air - did the truck hit it?
James emerges in the morning mist freshly dewed from the synchronized sprinklers - James got "dewed" by the sprinklers? Didn't see that happen earlier ...
Again, these confusing and/or contradictory descriptions are enormously distracting, and we haven't even moved on to the next location and the new set of characters yet. As it happens, when we do, because you've cut right back on the descriptions, the problem goes away!

At least until the eight-ball incident. Does James have a job? Yes, says the ball "indefinitely" - but James answers "No" ...
And in contrast to all of that, as
@mlesemann point out, what feels like a key moment for James (and the plot?) is reduced to just four lines. No build-up, no tension, no context. Just an apparently emotionless reaction from James.
So there are hints of an interesting plot ahead, but trying to find it in another 30 pages of confusion wouldn't be an enjoyable read.