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I was going to say something about the game action footage, have the guy pick up weapons, health kits and what not then saw ur ending.
Very nicely done, a few nit picks but nothing serious. I liked it a lot.
Kind of predictible story but not entirely. The ending was not what I expected but not a shock either. The guy in the towel, excellent work on that one. Kind of made the other attack scenes seem really flat in comparison. Like all FPS/RP games things get harder as you move along, yours got easier. I would have switched them around and made the car jacking scene (the last in the series) the hardest struggle.
I loved the integration of the gamepad with the action in the begining but I would have liked more and maybe even more specific as a kind of establishing with cut shots. You do that but I don't think it was enough or maybe could have been clearer. The shots of the gamer in the dark didn't need to be that dark I didn't think. Needed more flickering lights on the subject (he is playing a game on TV). Maybe a soft back light too for depth.
When the cops showed up at the end of the joy ride and the camera kept moving around a lot probably needs to be redone. I know you probably don't have the budget for cop costumes and cop cars but even a couple rented blue and red flashing lights or something other than the shake the camera to hide the fact we don't have any real cops. I understood what was happening but everything else in the movie was so good, this reveal scene could have been stronger without the fuzzyness.
Wonderful little film though, I enjoyed it.