First film finished,what now?

Having recently finished the edit on my first film,I am now not quite sure what to do with it.

Now I know what most of you are thinking,its my first film and it is therefore just a learning exercise and only really worthy of now moving on from, however I really do think it has some merit. The film is a documentary about myself and a friend exploring religion in europe, and challenging ourselves to rediscover long lost religious beliefs.

We drove 2,000 miles through europe from the north of England to Geneva in Switzerland visiting places of religious interest en route.

The film in its current state is 22 minutes long, a strange length granted but the piece was created as my final University work and 22 minutes was the maximum time allowed. It does have the potential to be extended out to an hour as I have another 10 or so hours of footage and several plot points/scenes that would fill out the film nicely whilst retaining the feel it has now.

I don't have any expectations of making any money out of the film. As a newbie director producer, with a film of a strange length and using the most basic of equipment I understand I have a long way to go before I can turn this into a profession, however I do feel it's a piece with artistic merit that could be used to either aid with funding my next project, or perhaps gain a little exposure and begin to build a name for myself.

As I see it now my options are to either spend no money at all marketing it and just post it to youtube with links from social media as a way of getting a small audience. Or perhaps spending some money on marketing and hopefully getting a buzz going whereby I could get maybe a few thousand views or so to help build an audience for my next film. I know very little about distribution and feel at this stage of my career my time is better spent reading about techniques and researching documentary form as opposed to looking to distribute films that have next to no chance of being picked up.

Any advice is hugely welcome.