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First Draft Done! World building and rewrites.

First draft of my feature length film "This Is Why We Fight" is done! Now we're on to rewrites and perfecting our world building. Check out this video to see me and my co-producer talk about where we're at and how we're creating a post apocalyptic world that didn't happen after a nuclear war.

One comment from the screenings of the short was that the climax happens when we're just getting to know the characters. So we really expanded the character development portion of the film. We also see more of the sets that are just referred to in the short film. We also wanted to really expand on the world the film take place in so we've been working on a fictional timeline to explain the economic breakdown that creates the world of the film. The timeline includes things like the predicted end of useable oil in 2035 and the reaction of China splitting up into smaller provinces, lots of fun stuff :)

There's also going to be a lot more age range compared to the short film. One of the new characters in the film is Mr.Stormell so now we have this older character who spent most of his life in our present day world. So we get to see this cool contrast with the younger characters who were born into the world of the film.