First Draft complete !

I just emailed off my complete first draft of a feature film screenplay (my first feature length screenplay) to my mentor/consultant. Well, I just had to shout it out somewhere :D if even just virtually here on a forum, a major personal achievement for me. Whether it gets turned into an indie or not down the road remains to be seen, perhaps it will just be a great learning experience before moving on to the rewrite and then a new screenplay/story.
congratulations... to even get a draft completed is a real achievement

but, enjoy the feeling of having completed something... because getting notes back is probably going to take the shine off your buzz! LOL
Thank you. And yes the shine will wear thin fast--I told my mentor I expect to get quite a few lashings with the cat 'o nine tails, flog away. I really wanted to do some rewriting before sending it to her, but she wanted it, a horrible punishment for her-- I can not imagine what it must be like on my mentor's end reading my amateur writing. I guess we all have to start somewhere and learn. But yeah it is a major thing to get that first draft, grueling paragraphs and page at a time writing. You look back and think oh man so many scenes seems so lame! Lots of revisions and rewriting in the months to come! So much more work than writing a few little short scripts.

congratulations... to even get a draft completed is a real achievement but, enjoy the feeling of having completed something... because getting notes back is probably going to take the shine off your buzz! LOL
Thank you. And yeah is a great accomplishment, to create a fictional world with real people, real fictional people-- they start coming alive, a strange godlike feeling. But also it is sobering to realize the work yet ahead on rewrites. And yeah, congrats to you on your second feature screenplay you have started-- any words on any page are fantastic, because one paragraph at a time, one page at at time, it starts growing.

I am already thinking of a second story, brainstorming. I would like my second story to be much higher concept, not derivative. But then as I said in a post a day or two ago even a derivative simple plot like that of "No Country for Old Men" can become a fantastic movie with the right characters and setting. Inspiring.

Congratulations! It's a great feeling, isn't it? I just started on feature number two, and seeing that first page fill up was equally a good feeling.