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watch First attempt at a music video

Hey Indietalk, I've been lurking here for a while now and Im currently shooting a film, was wondering what you would think of my previous work. I did it about a year ago for a competition, Im the main actor, just something I did with my girlfriend. My friends and family enjoyed it but Im really looking for someone to tear it apart and I dont really get that with my friends. I have every other video I've done on the channel aswell but they're all quite cringy. Anyway, let me know what you think

Got some cool imagery, but dang... it went on forever. The actual story bits are more brackets for the filler, than anything else.

Now that you've got the "shoot everything going backwards" out of your system... what's next? :)

Got some cool imagery, but dang... it went on forever. The actual story bits are more brackets for the filler, than anything else.

Now that you've got the "shoot everything going backwards" out of your system... what's next? :)


At the minute Im shooting a zero budget feature, about half way through shooting. Im throwing myself in at the deep end I know, but its nothing serious, just for fun and practice. It's the first time I've worked with random actors aswell (people I didn't know beforehand), which has been challenging but I've made some great friends from the process. The films a drama comedy about someone opening an ice cream business.

And yeah I know what you mean about my video, its more a 'look at the pretty stuff happening' whilst listening to the pretty music type thing. Here's a VERY cool video from the same competition that you might wanna check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCDGlGK2aaQ