archived-videos First 2 Short Films

These are my first two short films since high school. Had to knock off the rust somehow.

"The Beginning of the End"

And the second, which is a prequel to my first.

"The Cure"

I am currently working on my third short which will hopefully be better in all areas than my first two. My focus with each film is to not only do something I hadn't done yet, but also improve on techniques I've already attempted.
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"The Beginning of the End" The coloring was too contrasted. but the biggest issue was the lack of story. Who was he? Villain? Hero? What satisfaction did I get from watching it?

"The Cure" This was better. Coloring could use some work. The story was better. Your audio needs to be louder, I had my volume jacked all the way up and still couldn't understand it.
I think you could combined your two films not one. I like the idea of your story, but I would say introduce your creature/monster earlier in the film. If the main character was supposedly initially injured by this creature why does he have a bullet hole in him, and not cuts or scratches?

- Wolf