Finding the Right Actress

Getting the proper actress to replace the one I fired is going to be difficult. This is not an easy role. There are some topless moments, and some find the material questionable and too intense to do. Many love it, but won't do it for the above reasons, and some think it's a piece of absolute garbage.

It's all good.

One actress answered the ad. She looks exactly the way the lead should. Her reel is excellent. So, I started e-mailing her with all the relevant details. Intense material that some find objectionable, nudity, no up-front pay (a biggie), points on sale... She was not frightened away. On the contrary she was looking forward to reading the script.

It took a few days, but here's some excerpts from her response.

I am an artist. As an artist I have an understanding that a person's ideal in creating art is to elict a reaction from their viewer... be it good or bad.

Having said that please do not consider the following as any kind of reaction. Consider it a plea.

I have read the script and I can honestly say any young woman who will do this for free is not only shaming herself but anyone who supports her as an artist.

The entire thing reads as your own bizarre porno fantasy.

I beg you to please reconsider asking any young woman to do this for free because you will be hurting someone too dumb to know the difference. NO person should be asked to do this for free.

Think what you will about me but I would not be able to live with myself if I didn't ask you to please reconsider the role you will be playing as the real life George.

Do not contact me again.

What I find amazing is that she believes that anyone willing to do this role is too dumb to know what they're getting into. How arrogant is that? If someone enjoys this script, they're morons.

The fact that I can bring the best out in my actors doesn't mean anything. I guess it's okay if I paid them for doing this trash.

In other sentences she accuses me of being a criminal.

But, it's not a reaction it's a plea.

I could make a movie on the making of this movie.
My first public announced audition on craigslist for a female landed a bit of porn in my in box. Surprise surprise... I did thank those respondents, each were kind enough to state "not safe for work" in the email header.. lol...

I put out an ad a while ago on craigslist for minor roles. I wouldn't even call the people who sent photos. When you get photos taken from a cell phone, you know what you're getting.

But, for a crew, it worked out great. I got my DP (who came complete with crew) off craigslist. I just wish he lived closer. He's western Jersey near Philly, and I'm NE. We've been shooting in the city and Queens. So, it's a trek, and I have to pay his gas and tolls. It's still cheap. He's great and real easy to work with.