
I've found with business ventures, its not about "finding the money". The money, depending on how much, is out there all around you. Its about having 1) A solid business plan (especially marketability) , 2) the credibility to deserve the money, 3) the quality of the project and how much passion you have for it.
Movies are pretty much made by larger companies nowadays. You're looking at an uphill battle, unless this is some sort of extremely low budget "project" (less than 10 K?). Better to sell your script to a company, then hope to be employed by the company.
If you choose to make your movie, you better talk with some sales reps prior to production and get a feel for the market. The basic elements apply:

1. Do you have a solid script?
2. Do you have talented people on your team with a proven track record?
3. Do you have a network of rich and successful people (accredited investors) who might want to take a risk?
4. What name talent is attached to your project?
5. Who do you know who has successfully produced a project in the same genre at a similar budget?

These questions are traditional, for a typical spec feature film.

Having worked with one of those Wall Street banks, I can tell you that getting money for a movie project may be pretty challenging, but not impossible.