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Final Project

Hey my final project consists of a ten minute narrative and I wanna know if this is a good idea.

The story of an old man who lived the entire revolution of technology, and notices it the whole time. He narrates the gradual change in technology and the world, until the end where he runs for president, and changes technology drastically.
Depends entirely upon first the script and second in the execution.

Do you have an actor to play the part of a business man, senator, or governor considering running for POTUS?
And he probably ought not be an "old" old man.
Just sixty to seventy ought to be fine.

To whom is he narrating this notice of gradual technology change?
A media interviewer/reporter or the audience?
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I don't mean to sound negative, but, I can't think of anything more boring than the history of technology, being narrated...... I mean, I'll be running out of the theater.
I know a movie that was entirely narrative....It was a stopmotion animation about a girl and a man having asperger (or somting). Was it Mary and Max....


It works there....
I don't mean to sound negative, but, I can't think of anything more boring than the history of technology, being narrated...... I mean, I'll be running out of the theater.
What are two or three history subjects your would be interested in watching a ten minute narrative of?
Oh, sorry. rayw. I didn't see your question.

Uhm, I dunno, it's just the history of technology is .... revolting. The way it has brought about addiction to the screen. The mindlessness it causes. And the superficiality. Haven't you noticed how shallow Facebook conversations are?

And the way it has decimated forests. And replaced them with pollution. And dead land. And taken away creative urges. And intellectual thought. Horrific. Off in the future it will be written in the history books as the cause of our downfall and demise.

The question is, will anyone survive to tell the tale?
Oh, sorry. rayw. I didn't see your question.

Uhm, I dunno, it's just the history of technology is .... revolting. The way it has brought about addiction to the screen. The mindlessness it causes. And the superficiality. Haven't you noticed how shallow Facebook conversations are?

And the way it has decimated forests. And replaced them with pollution. And dead land. And taken away creative urges. And intellectual thought. Horrific. Off in the future it will be written in the history books as the cause of our downfall and demise.

The question is, will anyone survive to tell the tale?

Sounds like an interesting narrative to explore if you ask me :D

Although probably not what John had in mind!