Final Cut Pro 4.5 and 24 or 25fps

I have Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD. I can not upgrade, I don't have the money or the computer.

We're going to start shooting my next movie on the 30th and the DP will be using a camera that records 24or 25fps straight to a HD. He'll be downloading the footage to an external HD and I'll upload it into Final Cut 4.5.

I've always worked with 29.97fps on Final Cut, and have had no problems.

Will Final Cut 4.5 recognize the 24 or 25fps automatically when I upload, or are there preferences I need to set up for it to do so?
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Here's the answer I received.

Hi George
Yes FCP 4.5 HD will work with 24 and 25 fps media. Are you shooting HD or SD? You of course know that FCP 4.5 "HD" is quite limited in the kinds of HD it can handle .. and camera formats have moved on a fair way since back then. It's bad enough keeping things working smoothly on the latest and greatest! Anyway, its good you're taking the time to clarify (and the test?) your workflow before you start shooting, you'd be amazed at how many folks just blunder in blindly and then realise too late that none of it works! Hoping you can wrangle the camera files into a format you can work with.

Ps I know you say you have no budget for it, but still, you'd be advised to start looking at upgrading soon .. a second hand but otherwise modern Mac will run circles round anything that you could run FCP 4.5 on. And a newer copy of FCP / FCS should not be too hard to find either, just make sure you find a reputable seller who will transfer the license properly.