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watch Final Breath (short)

Hey everyone. It occurred to me that I never put up my latest short on here for feedback. Seeing as how I think I'm generally happy with it, I thought I would.

I recognize that I really do need to work on capturing good audio, but I think the decision to do something of a much smaller scale, while putting in a similar amount of work, has made this my favorite film I've done so far. I think I still have a long way to go, but I'm pretty happy with the results.

Fair warning, the film is kind of intense, and involves a lot of blood in an On the Sidewalk Bleeding sort of way, so if you don't feel like seeing that, it's all good.

Congrats for completing. If you want feedback, you won't like what I think, specifically:

Concept was interesting and camerawork was OK in a sense the actor was in focus and shots communicated what was happening. After this, the sound was there.

It needed a 'lift' from the technicals. This was screaming out for great visuals, foley etc...
Hey, thanks for the reply. To reply to a few notes:

I definatley want to work on capturing better visuals. In the case of this film, I lacked the resources to really work with a lot of lighting etc, but it's an area where I need to improve. Is there anything specific w/r/t visuals that I should look at? How do you think I could have improved this film specifically?

I'm looking at buying some of my own audio gear soon (I borrowed stuff from the actor on this one), so hopefully I can find a space to set up a solid foley studio in the future. We'll see.

Beyond technicals, do you think that the film "works"? I was sort of worried about pacing, because it is rather drawn out. However, the drawn-out-ness was sort of the point, so I'm unsure. Thoughts?
