Filmmaking Tutorials

Are there any filmmaking tutorials you would like to see? Anything from screenplay formatting to famous shots and effects from films to distribution. Anything at all.

The thing is Chimp there is already so much out there. Film Riot, Indy Mogul, Dave Dugdale, Tom Antos and dozens of other DSLR film making content providers.

I have at least a hundred youtube vids on my hard drive and many have been invaluable to my film making journey.

Saying that, there's not much on indie marketing and distribution - a topic I'd be very interested in. And some of the many topics covered by the current content providers have not always been covered well.

Popularity-wise, DSLR film making does not get anything like the number of searches, views or subscribers like the really popular youtube channels. I think the majority of the popular DSLR content providers monetize via sponsors and commission from B&H etc when people visit their site and click on links to reviewed gear etc then buy (they then get commission). Eg visit Dave Dugdale's website or Olivia Tech. Some also have donation buttons.

Note, I paid $39 for Dave Dugdale's excellent Canon 6D course (great course, available in his store). I wonder how many did that? It's another way to monetize. Film Riot etc are also selling mugs etc now. Olivia from Olivia Tech should really be picked up by a network as a show presenter - that could be her big break.
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Chimp, I'd really like to see a GOOD video about avoiding jumpcuts, basically an in depth explanation of where inserts belong, why they belong there, when they don't belong, how to jump from one scene to another, etc. I have seen a ton of videos teaching the basics, but they really don't explain much to be honest.
Sonnyboo did a series with a bunch of editing stuff a while back. Check out his site, or he's probably got them up on here as well... it was associated with his Nazi Supersoldier Movie.
actually yes..i would love to see a tutorial on continuity editing..i want my films to have that need fluidity so if you could that it would be dope

Sonnyboo did a series with a bunch of editing stuff a while back. Check out his site, or he's probably got them up on here as well... it was associated with his Nazi Supersoldier Movie.

I redid those in HD..
Hi Chimp.

If your idea is to do something that is similar to Film Riot I would say that it is not about how helpful the tutorial is.

Quite frankly I've seen amazing tutorials on Youtube with A LOT of information and they get almost no views. The reason why Film Riot has so much views is because it is fun . It is fun to watch. He doesn't only make sketches that could be fun , but he combines techniques from directors that we grow up with and he puts them into comedy sketches and that's what makes him great .

He interests people who aren't into filmmaking to watch his videos , I've watched him for over a year without understanding anything he says.

If you want to start your own show I would suggest to pick up a scene or something you want to do a tutorial on ,make it a nice package of fun and entertainment as well as some nice,simple and useful information and if you stay consistent I do believe that you'll do great .

If you have the passion for it , people will subscribe just for that I promise you . I've seen people who are like 10 years old , doing tutorials that are done 5000 times before , but they do it with so much passion and comedy that they have more than 2000-3000 subscribers . And if a 10 year old kid who doesn't know much about filmmaking can win such audience , why wouldn't you do just as well or even better?

Good luck .
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