I didn't go to filmschool, but my brother did (U of A) for his Masters. He loved it and was able to create two awesome projects from the experience which will be strong reel pieces.

His loans are over 100K...this makes him sad naturally. I trust my brother's judgement on going to filmschool, and I think you get out of it what you put into it. The loans can be deferred or paid off slowly...or they may always be there like a life-long garnishment. Hopefully if you get a good education and some solid reel material, you will land a good job to quickly pay off the loans...

Even with the solid reel, and notable diploma, he's having trouble landing's a tough situation.

Just as a reference, here is his newest reel, the majority of this reel is from the work he did at school:

Is it worth a quality diploma and a reel like this to have 100K of loans under your belt? It's a hard choice...
My philosopy is take that 100K (from Michaels example), and you could make six $3000 shorts that would teach you as much or more than film school, and you'd still have 80K left to make a feature.
My philosopy is take that 100K (from Michaels example), and you could make six $3000 shorts that would teach you as much or more than film school, and you'd still have 80K left to make a feature.

That's certainly one way to look at it.

You have to bear in mind that the equipment was the school's, as were some of the facilities. This saves money. Also, you can't just say take this [money] and make so and so shorts and use the left-over 80K to make a feature...because you don't just get that money. It's based on loans and such. You don't give a school 100K for their education. You accrue that money and pay it off very slowly. The school is investing (trusting) in your payments...trying to find an actual investor to give you 100K is much much different.


Anyhow. I get your point. It's just not so cut-and-dry. If it were, it would be an easy decision.