Film Lover Need Advice

I am 24 years old and I have just Graduated College, the program i took i do not see myself in that industry. I have always loved film and it is my dream to write and direct a film. I have the passion and drive for it and want to write found footage film and then direct it myself.

Now here is my problem i have $500 of my own money that i want to put into this.I am looking for some tips from people anybody who may have or has been in my position before.
1). Start with the script. Write a great script that you can afford to shoot.

2). Then work out what you need to make your script come to life.

3). Work out what equipment you need to make it happen and the cost of that equipment.

4). Then find people who are willing to do it and the cost of those people.

5). Work out how much that all costs you (your budget). If that's more than your budget allows, shelve the project go back to step 1 and write something that is within your budget.

It's really that easy ;)
Ha, you sound like me, i'm your age, just graduated and came to the conclusion that I want to do this. I took a small loan out from my bank to get most of my gear try that.hopefully you don't have any school payments.

You can use Craig's list to get actors but if you aren't going to pay for them you must and I repeat must feed them, or at the very least by them beer.

You can make a good movie off 500 bucks but if you already have your gear. when writing your script try to think of srtuff you have access to. Does your friend have a dad who works in an office? if so then you may have an office scene right there. do you know anybody who has a lot of land? Yes? well then you can have a good running in the woods scene. Anything.

I really admire when people stop what their original plan was in life in order to follow a dream, never stop and keep it going. Wish I could be a part of your project, I would work for free.