film house in Boulder, CO

I am an architect student doing a theoretical project for a indipendent film house on the Pearl St. mall in Boulder, CO. It is to provide auditoriums, cafe/bar for discussion, and ticket/lobby area for enthusiast and the general public. I am interested in anyones general philosophy about independent films (what makes it special) or anything else that is pertinent. Also, can anyone recomend some of their favorite movies (there is a pretty big movie store in town, which has just about every movie I am sure).

Thanks for reading
'sup, good Buff Boy! :cool:

The board's Top Ten Lists forum has a few threads on favourite movies, all ready to read. Surprisingly, a great deal of the listed films are mainstream... I found that interesting, anyway.

What makes indy films pertinent or special? Hmm. That's a pretty broad question... will need some time to think that one over. ;)

:welcome: to IndieTalk, btw.
Dang Zen! How many times a month do you change your avatar?! =)

I spent 12 years of my life in Boulder. Very interesting city!