Film Festival Red Carpet events and cars

For those who have down the film festival circuit (mainly the majors like Cannes, Venice, Toronto etc.) I have a few questions:

Does your film being accepted into the festival allow you to walk the red carpet with the celebrities to gala event and parties? If not, how does one do so?

I've notice many of the film festival have cars with the festival's logos on them. How does one get a ride in one of those cars to events?
If you write out a check big enough for a festival to fly in all the filmmakers, I'm sure they'll give you a car with the festival's logo on it to use during the week.
Hahaha I'm being serious here. I also heard that they extend the privilege to exhibiting filmmakers and that they also cover travel and accommodation. Anyone can verify any of this, your replies would be greatly appreciated!
Does your film being accepted into the festival allow you to walk the red carpet with the celebrities to gala event and parties? If not, how does one do so?

Be famous and rich and you'll get to go.
I also heard that they extend the privilege to exhibiting filmmakers and that they also cover travel and accommodation. Anyone can verify any of this, your replies would be greatly appreciated!

Where did you hear this...? And in relation to what festival? Perhaps if you were Spielberg and Cannes wanted to fly you in to do a guest spot..
You don't walk on a red carpet and drive a fancy car just because you are "awesome". You walk red carpet because your photo worth something for an entertainment magazine. You drive a fancy car Because its a good publicity "Check out so and so. He/she drives a Lamborghini. Don't you want as well?".

A person, who is a celebrity, is a product that makes money to their agents and managers.

So, can you make your agent and managers millions of dollars?

In show business nobody gives a f**k what you do. It's how much $$$ can you make them, as easy as that.

Or, and answering your question: no. You probably won't be walking down the carpet with celebrities, if your movie is accepted to a film festival. You ll be running around passing out panphlits with your movie to bring a*ses to the theater seat :)
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Thanks for all the replies. I know you don't do it because you're awesome but I thought it was a privilege given if you're exhibiting in competition? Is this correct?

Also I read on forums of people saying they were given free accommodations while exhibiting at one of the major film festivals. Just wondering if there was someone out there that could verify this.