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Film Distribution Success Story

Hello Everyone.

I recently had the opportunity to interview a film director who just finished his third feature film and he managed to get it completed for $300,000. He shot mostly on location, although he did shoot a few scenes in LA.

I conducted an interview with the filmmaker and he agreed to answer "all questions" relating to the business of his film. It's a two part interview. The first part is the "making of" of the film. He dicssucess scriptwriting, raising funds and the shooting process. In the second interview he discusses the business side of the film.

I think other filmmakers would find the interviews very valuable. It's especially interesting when he talks about the benefits to shooting in foreign countries. Wait until you get the part where a helicopter ride in Central America was less expensive than lighting a handful of small candles in LA. It's a pretty open and honest interview.

Just thought I'd share it.

"the making of" interview

"The distribution & marketing process" interview