available Film composer here to meet filmmakers, I'm looking for feature, short film or documentaryto score. Nice to meet you everyone!

I’m an Italian composer with background in pop-rock music and orchestra (I was keyboardist/songwriter in groups and I played tuba in marching bands.)

MUSIC I WRITE: both classic orchestral (or with pop-rock instruments), and modern hybrid electronic (ambient soundscapes, synths, textures..) I personally play and record piano, guitars, bass, keyboards (this makes the music “alive” even with a vst orchestra).

FAVORITE FILMS: almost everything but porn and scary horrors :D My favorites are drama, adventure, comedy, action, sci-fi, animation, kolossal. I’d also write for monster horrors like Tremors anyway! :)

MY MUSIC (& concerts/covers): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwrFAHE2GMU8jXz-ghliobGXuYHH99ht

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielenasuti/

If the budget is limited I can write music that gives the emotions you need anyway, maybe with a simpler arrangement. If you want something specific I can do a little Demo (the quality of my music has improved lately, now I can produce things I haven’t released yet).
Thank you!! Yeah sometimes when I write I just do it without even thinking about anything, and that brings some very cool stuff I haven't planned before playing. Other times I write beased on something specific. Happy you liked, I hope to find someone to put that into a film, so far I sent just to some music supervisors

Ok, let's try with soundcloud then, even if contains only few original music I released (and not other things like covers and concerts..) No problem anyway ;)

However I'm very happy to be here, seems a good place to meet all involved people in film making!

Great to have you here!

Film score is very competitive, because how much time, effort, and money goes into making a film - even cheapo indie films are extremely laborous works of passion.

Some websites like https://thecuetube.com/ will post short films without a score, and do contests where hundreds of musicians will create their own score to the same film and then compete for the most votes. It's a good way to get practice on decent quality shorts.
I know, but that's what I was born for. Anyway I've been in the music field for long time, even if was pop-rock and orchestral player/songwriter.

I prefer working directly with a film maker, maybe student's short films or so... there's no comparison between writing for a real person having a real work relation, and writing alone without discussing and talking to someone you can create art together.

If they need a demo I can do it just so they know the production quality and sound I can deliver.
And if I can't find that then I'll consider doing what you suggest, but I don't like those competitions, it's more useful, fun and rewarding for both composer and film maker doing a real film.
I see why those competition could be useful, but I feel I would miss a lot compared to doing a student's film.
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