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File Management

Hey there guys,

I just wanted to open this thread for discussion on how do people do their file management. To me, my file management is quite bad. My file directory would go: External HDD > Movies > Videos I've Shot > [Project Name]

I place my footage in there without renaming from my T2i. It feels messy when there are a lot of files in it. I want to improve on my file management but in the mean time, want to see how others do it. How do most of you manage to keep your files?
Make a folder for each project.

The name of all folders always begins with a date followed by the name: YY MM DD Project Name.

All project video goes into a video file inside that folder.
All project audio and audio SFX go into a audio file inside that folder.

Update and editing variations are saved as project files beginning with current "working" or completed date, followed by name, dash, version or identifying milestone: YY MM DD Project Name - Cleaned Audio SFX sans Soundtrack.

I can now locate projects by auto-sort rough dates when I open the "My Videos" folder.
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I have a few HDDs with different clients and projects on them. I treat our stuff as one of the clients to fit organizationally so you have:

Client Folder (ie: 'Bob Ross' or 'Invision Media')
Project Folder ('The Exchange')
Then lot's of sub folders inside the project folder:
FOOTAGE (video files separated into folders for different cams/mem cards or scenes)
SET AUDIO (audio files recorded on set, sub folders for scenes)
Edit Files (premiere, FCP and After Effects projects)
GFX (Psd's and stills pertaining to project, sub folders where needed)
SFX (sound effects used)
Music (music files)
ARTWORK (DVD cover images, web banners, promo images)
Renders (when jumping from one project to another or flattening effects layers)
Final Renders (MP4 outputs, DVD & BluRay renders, etc)

And I add other folders where needed. On one project where a guy did a lot of 3D work and gave us image sequences that all got it's own folder, etc.

I keep my project files labeled similar inside premiere and after effects. Helps find stuff.