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watch Fight Scene (Interactive)

Thanks for the advice I appreciate it immensely, I originally wanted to keep fighting in my house but the problem was that A/C broke and I live in south florida and for once it was hotter outside than inside. Thank you for a thoughtful critique, if make more fight scenes I will take it into consideration.
That's was some pretty cool choreography!

I'd mention the lighting at the beginning when coming out of the bedroom before going to Danny's room(very nice BTW-I was expecting Danny to be a boy, a nice surprise! That tumble down the stairs was well done.

I have to agree with the idea that running to an open grass area, you need some reason to stop-maybe one tackles the other, or maybe as suggested a dead end alley.

Some more editing (like the first punch to the face) with close ups so we can see more contact (I'm not saying full force punches, but closeups of more fists and feet hitting their target, edited with swings would be cool).

I too vote for the sister, she's smaller, and the "big things in small packages" would be a good theme I would think. :)
I wanted to hear some dubbed dialogue in which one of them says, "Let's run to a convenient open space where we can fight and not break our parents' furniture!"

Some of your "hits" were clearly misses (since you don't want to actually hit somebody in the face), but were shot form the wrong angle. Near misses should not be shot from the side, as the viewer can see that they are really misses. Over-the-shoulder or from behind one character works best when simulating an impact. You figured out this out in a few shots, but didn't in others.

I love that you shot in wide so that you can follow the fight choreography (because when a fight scene is all chopped up into small pieces it often means that the performers can't really fight), but don't forget close-ups -- not just of impacts but of facial expressions -- to break up the scene and maintain visual interest.

I definitely liked the "choose your own ending" aspect, but would have really been impressed if there was a bigger decision tree with more choices along the way. Next project, perhaps?
Wow! Very cool indeed, you and your sister definitely know how to look like you know how to fight. (whether you can well... i wouldn't know)

But since you asked for suggestions and feed back. I think The acting itself isn't the problem. I suggest you start shot a bit later during post production. Because right now, everytime the camera cuts to a new angle, i can almost hear in my head "Camera... Action!" because there just seem to be that tiny pause there.

And of course what everyone else's been metioning about the stoping, and the miss-ed hits, so i won't repeat those.

but over all, i think it's excellent!