Field Mixer Advise

Hello, this is my first post here. :D

I have been my own thing with sound for a while now. In the past I would bring a road case with different studio pre's and headphone amp, running to my recorder. Since the only have hands on experience with equipment that is out of my budget, I need some advise on a quiet nice sounding budget mixer.

I will only be running a boom for the most part but extra pre's are nice. I'd say my budget is sub 600, which may not be duable but I thought I would give it a shot.

On a side note. Has anybody had good results with a cardioid SDC? Most people say hyper or super cardioid to cancel reflection but it still sounds better than a long gun.
A good field mixer is the PSC DV PROMIX 3 for around $475. If you can get up to $675 the Sound Devices MixPre is a great bang-for-the-buck mixer, but it's only two (2) channels. The Sound Devices MP-1 is a great one-channel mixer for around $325.

The whole point of production sound, as you know, is capturing dialog while rejecting as much extraneous background noise a possible. That is why a hyper-cardioid is much preferred as it has a tighter polar pattern than a standard cardioid or a super-cardioid.