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watch Feedback on my grad film teaser trailer?

Hey guys,

First post here! Just finished up my grad film "Bred in Captivity" and I cut together a trailer for it.


Looking for some honest feedback here. What do you think the film is about?

[Normally wouldn't put together a trailer for a short film, but I'm looking to create a bit of buzz surrounding the concept before it hopefully hits festivals.]
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There's not really much to comment on in the trailer, but it's an interesting concept - the only thing that urks me is the voice of the guy on the documentary, which doesn't seem to fit with the tone, but it does it's job of letting you know it's a part of a nature programme, so it's good enough.
I also thought the voice in the trailer seemed odd. It was not that clear to my ear. It seemed to be mixed too much with the music. They were blocking each other out. Other than that, the idea/story is interesting. A bit more work on the audio production.

Hope this helps.
I would tone down the background a bit. Other than that, without knowing more, I think it was good. Made me half smile.:)
With that guys voice and the music and the slow camera movement gave it an eerie feel, so I can't tell if it is some suspense or nature video about koalas.
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I like it Hewks but I think the music may be sending the wrong message. Makes me feel like the film will be about killer koalas rather than an existential journey.
I thought it was intriguing! The voice didn't really bother me too much except it was hard to hear in certain parts. I thought it was food on the side of his mouth. For me, it felt like a supernatural/horror film teaser. :)