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watch Fantasy Scene - Cinematography Test.

Hello everyone.

Basically Let me just say that I was absolutely horrible ( im probably horrible now too ) at cinematography ,cuz of my lack of experience .I didn't had an idea how to shoot the different angles and stuff..

So for the past few weeks Ive been training and tryed to become better at these stuffs . Lighting / Cinematography / Color grading . I'm not saying I'm good or something, but I wish you could guys give me an opinion..


That looks good. You seemed to have grasped cinematography better than I have. The opening shot is great.

This makes me want to do some more test work. (Y)

Oh, I checked out that Interrogation teaser trailer, that looks interesting. When's that out?
It was actually a little trailer that I put up because I failed filming a 4 minute short film,due to my actor leaving the country.However I'll be doing this quite soon.
:)Thank you for the feedback!
I like it.
Nice cam movement.. sorta music vid like..
I like the floating thing... very novel approach to the effect..
CC is a bit too much, try easing up a bit..


You need to attach your particle effects layer to something in the live footage. So that when the camera moves, the particles look like they are in the world, and not in the camera if you know what I mean. This will require the extending tracking techniques .. similar to the set extension tracking in this tut ... http://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials/set_extensions/