cinematography Faking making out on film - Help!

I'm currently making a movie that involves a player making out with three different girls in the beginning of the movie. However, since I'm making it in a high school class, it can't have any inappropriate subject in it (including making out.). So I was wondering if anyone has ideas about how I can shoot the scenes to give the idea that the two characters had just made out, without actually showing it.

Please discuss any ideas that you might have, because I only have one but I need three! :weird:

Maybe I should be selling Mary Kay.

Maybe I should film Mike & Mara selling Mary Kay together. :lol:


Hollywood LOVES cliche, it is why they continue to redo everything that has ever made bank at the box office over and over and over and over and over...

If you are looking to make art, feel free to reject an image that works because someone else has already used a version of it in something else at sometime in the past. IF, however, you want to make money, use what works and appeals to the broadest possible market.
Hollywood LOVES cliche, it is why they continue to redo everything that has ever made bank at the box office over and over and over and over and over...

If you are looking to make art, feel free to reject an image that works because someone else has already used a version of it in something else at sometime in the past. IF, however, you want to make money, use what works and appeals to the broadest possible market.

Ok... that's true... but in the macrocosm of a complete film and NOT necessarily in the microcosm of a sequence, scene, or image.

The montage of girls stepping out of a closet is more suited to a rap video than anything meant to express one's creativity.

"give me that donkey butt, and them big ol' legs"

Supposed now I'll be called a racist too. ;)
more suited to a rap video than anything meant to express one's creativity.
Rap videos can be creative too. The point people are trying to make is that everything has been done in one way or another. There are no completely original ideas. So what if your film has a scene similar to a segment in an almost 30 year old music video.
Be a renegade maverick and allow making out, actual making out. Then when you air it, state that you needed it to include such footage to illustrate the point that your main character is a player. If your teachers say 'no', tell them they don't understand your artistic viewpoint.
I had to go watch that video. :)

The style depends on the feeling of the scene you want, and you didn't mention the genre. If it's drama, the pacing would be a lot different than comedy.

Here's how I'd do it, but I see this as comedic -- have the guy and girl alone talking or flirting, and in all 3 instances, have the girl jump on him, knocking them out of frame. Add the kissing sounds in post, along with appropriate clattering.