EyeCapture Productions Website now up.

The good:

I like the imagry and the simplicity. I'm a fan of less is more. You have conveyed a good amount of information with very little clutter. The top banner is very spiffy looking too.

The not as good:

Your title "Eye Capture Productions" is rather small. Perhaps you could (at least on the home page) make it a little larger so it's the first thing your eye goes to. And who are you and what does your company do? It's always nice to know a little about the company. Doesn't have to be much just a little blurb about where you're located and what your company's goals and expirience are.

It looks like you're on your way to a great site.
thank you for the kind words damien. and yes i will make the title bigger, on the homepage...and of cours, tell a little bit about EyeCapture.
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web site

the cameras size I can tell was resized for 1.6mb down and your slate was a real small pic and made to big.. you can tell this because the pixels are all messed up. the top banner is very hot loved that, the side with the blue is not bad but it looks to much like what they give free off geocitys sites and the movie ratings and review page is just a cut and paste from the net when you say you are going to review a move don't you think you should say what you think and not what some guy at the new York post has to say.

i am in no way trying to be mean at all.

i completly understand...thanks for being a critic. Yea, they are just a copy an paste...but i don't always have time to see all the movies i want to review so i did that...and...well, i keep forgetting to go back and update it...its a pain sometimes.

thanks for the review.
Hey Nick not bad, your with earthlink huh? They have a pretty good service. Anyways at least your doing something that's what it's all about. I'm in the same boat. Damien really helped me fix my site up a little. I still need lots of work but something is something. Better than nada. Good work keep it up.