external audio

I'm recording audio externally for my new project and i need a digital recorder i can hook my mic and earphones up to, does anybody know any good ones i have around £100-130 which is around $130-160. thanks
Recorders like the Tascam DR-100 and Zoom H4n are the "bottom of the barrel" if you are in any way serious about audio and indie filmmaking; and even they have serious drawbacks - extremely short battery life, record level problems and no manual gain controls to name just a few. If you go with a cheaper recorder you'll end up spending so much in the way of additional funds getting the cheap recorder to work you may as well have spent the initial $300.

Sound is half of the experience.

More than just words to proclaim, it should be the way you allocate your equipment funds. Most indie film types spend a grand or two on the camera and then ask your question - how do I get great sound for $100? It can't be done. If sound is half of the experience then half of your budget should go there. Solid sound means your audience can hear the dialog easily, thereby engrossing them in the film; the converse is true, poor sound pulls them out of the film. Solid sound makes your film look better; audiences are much more forgiving of visual errors than they are of audio problems. Solid production sound makes your audio post process more effective - and less expensive.

If you haven't purchased your camera as of yet reallocate your funds accordingly; if you have at the least save up for a DR-100 or H4n.

As always, I recommend working with an audio professional, or at least a hungry up-and-comer.
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