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Exhumed - feature film - screen grabs

Hello folks, just wanted to share some of the stills from our newest film EXHUMED. Shot on RED in 2.35 aspect ratio, black and white. This is a psychological thriller coming out later this year by Scorpio Film Releasing.

Click on the images to enlarge.

If you want to know more you can visit the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ExhumedTheMovie?sk=wall

Thank you for your interest.
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Looks great.

What about the sound?

It sounds good.




Our sound is always good. We stick the mic right in your face (except when you yell of course :))

We don't have an onset sound mixer...just a boom op...but the cutter does the design in post, and he's pretty good. I mean the levels are check depending on the scene, don't get me wrong...it's just not on an external mixer, it's on the camera.

Basically sound isn't an issue. On this shoot, since we shot on Red and typically the director/DP shoots on his JVC, he used his JVC to record sound (xlr into cam).

We love sound! :)
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I visited your facebook page and everything. Sounds like you all had fun during production. I do have a small critique about some of the lighting if you want to hear it.

Good luck though.