Executive Producer for Web Series.

There's a startup web series I came to know of via one of my contacts that I've worked with before. It has filmed a few short episodes already and has its creative talent resolved already (director, writer, cast). But it needs much help with its production (administrative) side.

In addition, there's no source of funding currently so everyone is working for deferred payment or pro bono. I was asked if I would be interested in heading the production side of the project, which I may be as an Executive Producer; I feel I could do it.

Given the project's financial situation, I could be willing to work pro bono for a set time frame until the series attains some form of funding (e.g., the series is picked up or bought by a network or distributor).

My question is what amount would be good to contract for in consideration of my Producer's services in the event the production does wind up earning financing? Perhaps 10% of the project's gross income?

What are some solutions in this situation?
Curious about this, too. Where would you look for revenue streams/sponsorships in the new media world?

I've been watching some of these web series and it seems like most of them are aimed at a younger demographic, video game spin-offs, etc. Seems like you'd have to find some hip, younger techies for product placement or something.

The other thing I noticed about new media is the ads rarely relate to the content. It's a massive waste of time and money to play ads for people who are obviously not your customers.
Whoever writes their algorithms sucks, then. I watched a couple videos about the Black Death last night and there was nothing but anti-depression medication commercials.

Probably a mistaken link between death and depression.

Now you mention it: I noticed that before on YouTube with listening Death Metal :-p

Well, at least they didn't try to sell you rope or razors ;)