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watch Exclusive! "ACE" Teaser Trailer! A Must See!

Hi Guys, Silverline here :). We are new to this site and would like to post out new film teaser trailer for you all to check out :yes:

Christopher Austin is a contract killer who works for a Mob force comprised of three men who call themselves ACE. He carries out their hits using his undeniably talented skills of destruction. But as feelings in a relationship grow stronger, his whole life starts to slowly unravel before him. ACE is an action-packed crime drama that focuses on the central conflict of a Hitman who begins to question and doubt his actions when he falls in love with a woman, leading to his slow but ultimate quest for redemption.


Any support/feedback would be excellent! Please be honest when commenting as we believe your thoughts and suggestion can help us improve :)

Thank You for taking the time to visit my thread!

Silverline Production
I like the cinematography, it looks better than most indie films in this way.
the punch @ 1:14 looks a little fake, and slow motion punches only work in the Matrix..
The colors looks a bit washed out, it looks like you desaturated all the colors except red-intentional?
Good luck with the film, and congrats for finishing it. :)
Thank you for your comment friend!
Im glad you liked the trailer and saw elements that you would change or question :)
As for the desaturated look, it helped with the mysterious mood for the trailer. The red was kept to introduce a feel of blood, murder and darkness.

As for the punch i do agree it looks fake :). The funny thing is when we were filming the actor kept on punching the guy for real which is why he had to keep his distance. The actor just fell into the shoes of the character very well.

thanks for the comment
Silverline Production