> Examination: YouTube Top Content Providers

Please visit
Social Brain Wave
@ facebook to learn more about how a group of us are
helping promote the works of the individual members to
a level that is beyond what could be done alone.

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This is the investigation, analysis, and dissection of the top youtube content providers defined by those with the most subscribers.

The intent is that by understanding what elements go into the concept, design, execution, and promotion of market valued content that we ourselves may adopt some of these practices in developing our own content.

Why would we want to do that?
Why would we even care?

For my own reason -
From the light research I've conducted in crowdsourcing at the beginning of the filmmaking process and the marketing and promotion of the completed film products the key is to come to the table having already cultivated a following.
> Cold calling for fi$cal attention is grossly ineffective.
> Bring an interested crowd to your crowdsourcing campaign.
> Bring an interested crowd to marketing and promoting your finished film.

I would like to see some of the reasons others here at IT are interested in top youtube content providers.
Zen Steve?
Lucky Hardwood?
Icba Pictures?
Paul Griffith?
Any one else?




Looks interesting: http://willvideoforfood.com/


OVS = Online Video Studio
OVC = Online Video Company



This looks waaaaaay more complicated than just hanging out your shingle and hassling your family, friends, and forum friends to watch and subscibe.

Getting a little off the path with this one: http://videoproductiontips.com/equipment-needed-to-set-up-a-simple-video-studio/
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I feel like maybe the main channel might as well be monetized and it could go towards the main website expenses, or if it is a significant amount can be split upon the group. I mean no point in the letting the views it gets go to waste.
eventually analyze the traffic patterns to find the target audience.

Usually its the other way around. Identify the target audience. Find a way to cater to them. Then go find them and feed them to your [insert thing here]. Probably won't work with this project though.
Okay, we need to get on point.

So, the website/blog... Covered. I can build and host it. I will probably use wordpress. It will more or less be a blog in magazine format. Each of us will have a writing/posting account on it.

The problem is a name. I don't mind coming out of pocket to purchase that, and I don't mind hosting it either. I do, however need to know what we will be calling this project.

The Name we use must be UNUSED on both youtube, twitter, and as a URL.

Once I have a name I will create the website, the twitter account, and possibly the youtube account, unless someone else wants to cover that one.

I will link the youtube account and the blog to the twitter account. That way each post and video goes directly to twitter.

I will use the header in the main website to link to youtube and twitter.

I will use the side panels to link to each of the individual youtube channels.

I will put the twitter feed in the side bar of the website.

All of this in less than ONE WEEK after being given the OFFICIAL name.

It's not that hard.

Understood, MetalRenard.
"Filmmakers" in the name definitely does limit, if not outright discriminates to little benefit, the range of content both provided and searched for by others.

I like both "Creative" and "Collective", but we wouldn't want to use those together:

Nor Creative Artists: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Artists_Agency

So, now's the time to pull out my favorite online thesaurus and start playing Franken-name! YAY... !!!!

accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, association, band, body, bunch, clambake, cluster, coffee klatch, collection, company, conclave, confab, conference, convocation, council, crew, crowd, faction, flock, gathering, get-together, group, huddle, mass, meet*, meeting, multitude, rally, sit-in, throng, turnout

assembly, association, bevy, body, bunch, clique, club, cluster, collection, company, corps, coterie, covey, crew, gang, gathering, horde, menagerie, outfit, party, society, troop, troupe

administration, administrators, advisers, assembly, assistants, authority, brain trust, bureau, bureaucracy, committee, council, counselors, department heads, governing body, government, kitchen cabinet, ministry, official family

adroitness, aptitude, artistry, craft, craftsmanship, dexterity, expertise, facility, imagination, ingenuity, inventiveness, knack, know-how, knowledge, mastery, method, profession, trade, virtuosity

ability, achievement, act, art, attainment, bringing about, capability, carrying out, completion, conclusion, consummation, coup, deed, effecting, effort, execution, exploit, feat, finish, fulfillment, performance, production, proficiency, realization, skill, stroke, talent, triumph

aesthetic, creative, cultivated, cultured, decorative, dramatic, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, grand, harmonious, ideal, imaginative, musical, ornamental, pictorial, picturesque, pleasing, poetic, refined, rhythmical, sensitive, stimulating, stylish, sublime, tasteful

adorning, advancing, artistic, beautifying, beneficial, broadening, civilizing, constructive, corrective, developmental, dignifying, disciplining, edifying, educative, elevating, ennobling, enriching, expanding, glorifying, helpful, humane, humanizing, influential, inspirational, instructive, learned, liberal, liberalizing, nurturing, ornamenting, polishing, promoting, raising, refined, refining, regenerative, socializing, stimulating, uplifting, widening

avant-garde, blue-sky, brain wave, breaking ground, clever, dreamy, enterprising, extravagant, fanciful, fantastic, fertile, fictive, high-flown, ingenious, inspired, offbeat, original, originative, pie-in-the-sky, poetic, poetical, productive, quixotic, romantic, utopian, visionary, vivid, way out, whimsical

aggregate, assembled, collated, combined, common, compiled, concentrated, concerted, conjoint, consolidated, cooperative, corporate, cumulative, gathered, grouped, heaped, hoarded, joint, massed, mutual, piled, shared, unified, united

accepted, coincident, collective, communal, communistic, community, commutual, congruous, conjoint, conjunct, constant, corporate, correspondent, customary, general, generic, in common, intermutual, joint, like, mutual, popular, prevailing, prevalent, public, reciprocal, shared, social, socialistic, united, universal, usual, well-known, widespread

agreeing, coacting, coactive, coadjuvant, coefficient, collaborating, collaborative, collective, collegial, collusive, combined, combining, common, concerted, concurring, coordinated, hand in glove, harmonious, in league, interdependent, joining, participating, reciprocal, shared, symbiotic, synergetic, synergic, team, united, uniting

amalgamated, associated, collaborative, collective, combined, common, communal, concerted, incorporated, joint, pooled, shared, united

clever, cool*, demiurgic, deviceful, fertile, formative, gifted, hip*, ingenious, innovational, innovative, innovatory, inspired, inventive, leading-edge, original, originative, productive, prolific, stimulating, visionary, way out

aesthetic, creative, cultivated, cultured, decorative, dramatic, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, grand, harmonious, ideal, imaginative, musical, ornamental, pictorial, picturesque, pleasing, poetic, refined, rhythmical, sensitive, stimulating, stylish, sublime, tasteful

avant garde, breaking new ground, causal, causative, conceiving, creative, demiurgic, devising, envisioning, fertile, formative, generative, imaginative, ingenious, innovational, innovative, innovatory, inspiring, inventive, novel, originative, productive, quick, ready, resourceful, seminal, sensitive, unconventional, unprecedented, untried, unusual

able, active, adventurous, aggressive, bright, capable, clever, creative, enterprising, ingenious, intelligent, inventive, original, quick-witted, sharp, talented, venturesome

acquaintance, affability, alliance, amity, camaraderie, club, communion, companionability, companionship, company, comradeship, conviviality, familiarity, friendliness, guild, intimacy, kindliness, league, order, society, sodality, togetherness

affiliation, alliance, band, bunch, circle, clan, clique, club, coalition, combination, combo, company, confederacy, confederation, congress, cooperative, corporation, crew, crowd, family, federation, fellowship, fraternity, gang, guild, hookup, league, mob, order, organization, outfit, partnership, pool, rat pack, ring, society, sodality, sorority, syndicate, tie-in, tie-up, tribe, troops, troupe, union, zoo

acquaintance, acquaintanceship, affiliation, agreement, assistance, camaraderie, companionship, comradeship, conjunction, cooperation, familiarity, fellowship, fraternization, frequenting, friendliness, hookup, intimacy, membership, participation, partnership, relation, relationship

accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, assembly, association, assortment, band, batch, battery, bevy, body, bunch, bundle, cartel, category, chain, circle, class, clique, clot, club, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, combination, combine, company, conglomerate, congregation, coterie, covey, crew, crowd, faction, formation, gang, gathering, grade, league, lot, mess, organization, pack, parcel, party, passel, platoon, pool, posse, set, shooting match, society, sort, suite, syndicate, troop, trust

affiliation, affinity, attachment, connection, connective, friendship, hookup, interrelationship, liaison, link, marriage, network, obligation, relationship, restraint, tie, tie-in, union

association, compound, conglomerate, ecosystem, entanglement, group, network, organization, scheme, structure, syndrome, synthesis, system, totality​

Alliterations are fun and often memorable, but we also need to keep in mind where on the silly-to-serious value range do we wan't to project ourselves.


The Art Joint
Cluster/Kluster Craft/Kraft/Kraphed
Widespread Productions
Confederation of Creativity
Fertile Federation
The Graceful Gang
Faniciful United
Enriching Enclave
The Ministry of Mastery
Creative Club
Creative Clique
Creative Cartel
Participating Craftspeople
Social Brain Wave
Artistic Assembly
The Gifted Collective
The Execution League
Consolidated Feats
The Innovative Trust
The Sublime Syndicate
Aggregated Artists


And probably ought to keep it under three words.

Some thoughtful consideration here.
No "fix it in post", please.

And of course we'll take a judicious amount of time to cogitate before voting.

And, who else wants to do what?

Have I read through this thread correct?
Did I miss some people and/or positions?
Modifying this template as we go is no big whup.
DON'T WAIT TO BE ASKED! (You're not in kiddie skool no mo! :lol:)
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Social Brain Wave (SBW)

The Ministry of Innovation (TMI)

The Sublime Syndicate (TSS)

Rule of thirds works for language in a way too, people like pentameter in one form or another. These get my nod but are not singled out. Just a nod from the list. 8^)
I'm happy to run the Facebook page if you like.
I already run two, one is my own with 130+ likes, another is for a game creating forum I'm now an admin of. I didn't make that forum, I was elected after spending a couple of years there. At first I was chosen to be a moderator, then later a "Super Moderator" with more power, and now full on admin. I'm also a VIP (pretty much a moderator) on another forum. I spend at least an hour every day helping others to learn about music either through answering posts on forums or providing inciteful feedback for budding composers. I also have a very good grasp of the English language (I have just finished a university degree which included literature, translation and history/politics). I also speak French and quite a bit of Spanish...
I'm telling you that so you know I'm trustworthy and a good resource, not to show off. Sorry if you feel it's a bit much.

I update my own FB page twice a week, once is for the Youtube video and another is random news or a cute/funny/interesting article/picture/idea.

We could also make it so the blog's posts are pushed to Twitter and Facebook automatically maybe.

For names I like TMI and TSS.
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This sounds pretty interesting, but I won't be available until early Febuary. I'm not really good with names so... good luck with that!

One thing I would like to see this project avoid is to become a depository of dead/outdated/incomplete content. There are too many examples of this: scifinal.com, webserieschannel.com, koldcast.tv ... all of them have failed for one reason or another.

I have no idea what my role would be in all of this if it isn't too late for consideration; the thread is a lot of info to take in. I basically do 3d animation/digital media content exclusively.

Perhaps a summary of the goals and purpose of the project would help latecomers jump in?
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Le Ministry of Artistic Offerings (LMAO)
Just a joke, sorry...

Nice. :lol:


Ya'll congratulate me.
I just made my first animated GIF:

In addition to my "Places of Nature" YT channel I'll also start a channel & blog of animated GIF haiku w/ snippit-videos.
Haiku w/ art is called "haiga". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiga

This sounds pretty interesting, but I won't be available until early Febuary. I'm not really good with names so... good luck with that! Nah. February's fine. We're up to our eyeballs in patience around here.
And I'm using a crib sheet for everyone's names. ;)

One thing I would like to see this project avoid is to become a depository of dead/outdated/incomplete content. There are too many examples of this: scifinal.com, webserieschannel.com, koldcast.tv ... all of them have failed for one reason or another. In all my spare time I'll investigate those sites. Thank you.
Yeah, the goal of this project is to use the synergy of a defined group of us simply working together to cross promote each other's youtube content - with the express purpose of allowing each of us to monetize OUR OWN individual channels (not creating a monetized YT distributor channel) and individual blogs or webpages.
The central channel&web/blog should be of lesser importance than the destination channels.

I have no idea what my role would be in all of this if it isn't too late for consideration; the thread is a lot of info to take in. I basically do 3d animation/digital media content exclusively. Roles are voluntary, are for experience and education, and should have apprenticeships to pass the baton of experience and education to others after some as-yet-to-be-determined interval. Something sensible. For a year or so or until someone gets tired of it.
So there's no big rush right now.
If you want, just make what you make.
No one HAS TO have a organizational officer position. We pretty much all know there will be a few knuckleheads running this calliope of a greater group of content providers.

Perhaps a summary of the goals and purpose of the project would help latecomers jump in? Sure:
  • Make content for your own channel & web/blog.
  • Join the (as of yet) UNNAMED group
  • You link to us.
  • We link to you.
  • We all link to the central channel&web/blog.
  • Whomever stumbles upon anyone in the group has opportunities to be routed to anyone else in the network.
  • Pretty much it works like a casino: make it easy to get people in the door then make it difficult for them to get back out. :yes:
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Ray, we will need another chart that shows what everyone is bringing to the Main channel and what they are doing individually.
I don't quite think I can make a chart of that just yet.

This is gonna be pretty ad hoc to start out for the first four or so weeks, I imagine.
After more people join the group definable patterns will emerge, and some sort of sensible weekly scheduled program can be made.

And to split hairs, think of it as more of a "central" channel than a "main" channel.
We're all making content for ourselves, not for anyone else.

Also, each member may have more than a single channel! -->

FWIW, I fully expect like-minded content providers will splinter off from this seminal group, leaving to form their own monetized main channels for which each member is responsible for providing content on a regular schedule.
Friends come and go in life.
The same will happen here.
I will wish them well and will do what I can to help them.
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OK, so here goes a concept in a possible opening promo for the Central channel:
(bear with me)

Welcome to Video Forest, your gateway to new content from sources around the world. This forest contains "trees" (branches instead?)from all walks of life, from nature to space travel; from science to fiction. Sit back and let your mind wander as you take a walk through the Video Forest. Enjoy the shows!

"Video Forest"- short and sweet. And so far didn't see anything major pop up on a google search.
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CENTRAL channel.


Last edited by icba pictures; Today at 12:01 PM. Reason: from main to central, sorry
You're alright, IP. I don't care what what I read on the bathroom wall about you. ;)

For those of you setting up accounts on the project's behalf, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use bogus names and identifiers on the account.
If this thing has any longevity to it (and it should) site management responsibility will be passed on to different people for access to the accounts over time.
No one wants to find some weirdo in their personal space or financial space from something you set up years earlier.
Identity thieves, stalkers, and general harassers have an easy enough time distracting us from just living our d@mn lives.
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OK, so here goes a concept in a possible opening promo for the Central channel:
(bear with me)

Welcome to Video Forest, your gateway to new content from sources around the world. This forest contains "trees" (branches instead?)from all walks of life, from nature to space travel; from science to fiction. Sit back and let your mind wander as you take a walk through the Video Forest. Enjoy the shows!

"Video Forest"- short and sweet. And so far didn't see anything major pop up on a google search.

Video Forest is being used as a dot com, and on youtube.
Usually its the other way around. Identify the target audience. Find a way to cater to them. Then go find them and feed them to your [insert thing here]. Probably won't work with this project though.

It is typically a recursive process. Assess what you think is the audience, target them, analyze, repeat.

My suggestion would be in fictional world if we have 5 social media platforms and 3 give you 90% of your traffic, you may be better served hitting those three hard and / or replacing the other 2 with other candidates.

I think we should include Google+ as a social media target. I'll manage that if no one else is interested.

I'll manage the youtube channel if there isn't a volunteer there either.

Does community management fall under sales & marketing or each individual site? Internal vs. external community? i.e. who reaches out to artists and gets them linked in. who is the front end to answer those questions?
It is typically a recursive process. Assess what you think is the audience, target them, analyze, repeat. Exactly

My suggestion would be in fictional world if we have 5 social media platforms and 3 give you 90% of your traffic, you may be better served hitting those three hard and / or replacing the other 2 with other candidates. Exactly

I think we should include Google+ as a social media target. I'll manage that if no one else is interested. Deal. It's yours.

I'll manage the youtube channel if there isn't a volunteer there either. Sold. It's yours.

Does community management fall under sales & marketing or each individual site? Internal vs. external community? i.e. who reaches out to artists and gets them linked in. who is the front end to answer those questions?


Community ORGANIZATION & SCHEDULING management should be under the domain of Production with bias oversight by the BOD.

Community STANDARDS management should be under the domain of HR, again, with bias oversight by the BOD.
Individual sites and their content are the primary responsibility of their owners - but there will be a as-yet-undetermined set of sensible group guidelines they must adhere to to join and be regularly reviewed by HR, myself, for now.
I don't want to have a bad apple or two ruin everything for everyone.

Candidate recruiting also falls under HR where I will introduce candidates to house structure, pourpose, rules and regs. (That sounds worse than it is. But it's the same as any place of business.)
However, there's incentive for all of us to get out into the community and conscientiously note talent of any flavor, that has some potential, that could use a helping hand, and direct them our way.

Hand them off to me, we'll do the dance, see if we're good for each other, if so hand them over to Sweetie and mckinise in Production where they integrate them into the group and yourself, Miken, will help get all their YT and goog+ links set up and everyone else's links to them.
Mckinice and MetalRenard will do the same at the web/blog, FB and twitter accounts.
The group gets all their contact links. They get all our contact links.
Click, click, click all the way to the bank.
Boom. Done.
For now.

Sweetie and mckinise, again, in Sales & Marketing determines what sort of merchandising opportunities the new fish can provide us, what kind of know-how can our group can provide them.
Everyone shares whatever they can get their little hands on.
Click, click, click all the way to the bank, again.
Their individual web/blogs will also need to be SEO, as well.

This isn't going to go slick as duck doo the first few times.
I suspect it'll be a kinduva PITA actually for the first dozen or so times.
Members are going to come and go.
Hopefully groups of like minded people will find each other and separate leaving a manageable number of members behind.
Some people are going to take our QC training and skills that we taught them and bugger out ASAP, but that's a fact of risk any business takes when hiring anyone.
There are benefits and limitations of being in the group.
There are benefits and limitations of NOT being in the group.
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