> Examination: YouTube Top Content Providers

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This is the investigation, analysis, and dissection of the top youtube content providers defined by those with the most subscribers.

The intent is that by understanding what elements go into the concept, design, execution, and promotion of market valued content that we ourselves may adopt some of these practices in developing our own content.

Why would we want to do that?
Why would we even care?

For my own reason -
From the light research I've conducted in crowdsourcing at the beginning of the filmmaking process and the marketing and promotion of the completed film products the key is to come to the table having already cultivated a following.
> Cold calling for fi$cal attention is grossly ineffective.
> Bring an interested crowd to your crowdsourcing campaign.
> Bring an interested crowd to marketing and promoting your finished film.

I would like to see some of the reasons others here at IT are interested in top youtube content providers.
Zen Steve?
Lucky Hardwood?
Icba Pictures?
Paul Griffith?
Any one else?




Looks interesting: http://willvideoforfood.com/


OVS = Online Video Studio
OVC = Online Video Company



This looks waaaaaay more complicated than just hanging out your shingle and hassling your family, friends, and forum friends to watch and subscibe.

Getting a little off the path with this one: http://videoproductiontips.com/equipment-needed-to-set-up-a-simple-video-studio/
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Ah, gotcha.

Do you have any video editing NLE software?
Pre-installed Windows Movie Maker on your PC or whatever Macs use?

You could copy and paste a public domain image that correlates with a track of yours and just upload a static image for the length of the piece.
I can EASILY teach you how to crop the image to size. No biggie.
We're talking kindergarten-level editing skill here.

Ta-da! :yes:

It don't gotta be Spielberg, you know.
Smosh: 6,105,407 subscribers 1,895,051,052 video views



  1. Snark about previous ad + "SHUT UP!" during 5sec intro
  2. Skit intro --> Title card
  3. Sub-skit #1, male character yells @ "guide" --> Title card
  4. Sub-skit #2, male character fires pistol @ "guide" --> Title card
  5. Sub-skit #3, "guide" has bandaged arm --> Title card
  6. Sub-skit #4, "guide" get's caught by his own girlfriend, leads to...
  7. Sub-skit #5, employing attributes from the four previous sub-skits
  8. Sub-skit #6, "Guide's" own son pops up having been observing his own father fall victim --> Title card
  9. Peddle alternate scenes & bloopers video (10secs)
  10. Peddle Thanks for Subscribing (10secs)

  • Nice intro animation
  • Good camera, camerawork, lighting, and boom mic audio collection
  • Nice handheld camerawork
  • Unwanted outdoor background audio virtually eliminated
  • Interior closed space audio echo virtually eliminated
  • Note dramatic comic added-in sounds
  • Locations and props are fairly common and easy to acquire
  • Ficus tree in each sub-skit
  • "Guide's" costume only likely direct expense
  • I need to learn how to embed the "click here" thingies on my video

  • I'll guess this took a very full day to put together
  • Excellent production value and right on par with what I was expecting for the income these guys are pulling in.
  • This is quite a contrast to the production values of the two previous MORE SUBSCRIBED TO youtubers, RJW & RH.


  1. Stupid noises + "SHUT UP!" during 5sec intro
  2. Faux commercial
  3. Advertising boardroom drama
  4. Intro Mike Diva character
  5. Dubstep baby food commercial - young ad man dies
  6. Advertising boardroom drama
  7. Dubstep air freshening products
  8. Advertising boardroom drama
  9. Dubstep lotions and lubricants - featuring the director of advertising
  10. Advertising boardroom drama
  11. Dubstep Spiffer Mops
  12. Advertising boardroom drama - old ad man dies
  13. Dubstep the boardroom
  14. Advertising boardroom drama
  15. "This video was sponsored by grape water" overlay
  16. Peddle alternate scenes & bloopers video
  17. Peddle dubstep music downloads
  18. Peddle Thanks for Subscribing + thanks to Mike Diva

  • Umm... that was pretty cool.
  • I'll guess this took a very full day to put together
  • Helps a lot to partner with friends who know how to do cool sh!t

See previous remark.

Lettuce see what Mike Diva's stats look like and what his products look like...
Not too shabby
His views per video are all over the place, super-hit or near-hit.

Super hit ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHnGMV8yOEQ​

Back on task...

My Pet Pikachu 4:35 Nov 16, 2012

  1. Snark about picachu + "SHUT UP!" during 5sec intro
  2. Ian playing w/ ancient Talkboy in kitchen
  3. Anthony brings in Picachu... thing... looking... mutherf#cker... thing --> Picachu: makes breakfast title card
  4. Picachu toast and egg sub-skit
  5. Return to kitchen --> Picachu: wakes me up title card
  6. Pichchu face and groin, (repeatedly), Ian gets anxiety
  7. Return to kitchen --> Picachu: unclogs the toilet title card
  8. Pichu plunger attack, gross hi-5
  9. Return to kitchen --> Picachu: as a remote
  10. Picachu breaks TV & lightning balls Ian
  11. Return to kitchen --> Picachu: helps on a date
  12. Picachu saves the date
  13. Return to kitchen, realize it's the bum in Anthony's costume
  14. Flashback to bum theft & SHANK'D!
  15. Return to kitchen, Picachu-bum DOUBLE SHANK'D!!
  16. But caught it on the Talkboy, Ha ha ha!
  17. Peddle alternate scenes & bloopers video (10secs)
  18. Peddle Thanks for Subscribing (10secs)

  • Handheld camerawork is fine but the shots and/or blocking look more like DIY cr@p than in the "Girlfriends in the Wild" video
  • Lighting and boom mic audio are fine
  • Intro and closing VOs are custom recorded for each video.
  • Cheesy, not even trying simple layering effects.

I'll guess this took a very full day to put together

Okay, we can all see these guys are really putting in the effort for their content.
And they're running multiple channels with equal amounts of effort, so this is clearly a full time job for them.
Since further review of recently recent (that's a joke, folks) uploads isn't likely to reveal much new intel I'd like to diverge from my previous pattern and see what these guys were doing two years ago, then four years ago, then conclude at six years ago.

Food Battle 2010 6:53 Aug 13, 2010 >> 11,821,747 views

Snark about very good rock + "SHUT UP!" during 5sec intro
Ian playing w/ donuts on table on soccer field
Argue w/ Anthony for red pepper vs. donut food challenge --> Food Battle 2010 animated overlay
Cut to inside house
- Challenge: Head protection, Ian then Anthony
- Challenge: Bullet proof vest, Anthony then Ian
- Challenge: Nightstick, Anthony then Ian
- Challenge: Poison, Anthony then Ian, get Mom into the act
- Challenge: Flamethrower, Anthony then Ian, Ian's hair burned off
- Challenge: Teleportation, Ian then Anthony, legs paralyzed
- Challenge: Contact lenses, Ian then Anthony, mellons gag, Ian pushed Anthony into pool
Reporter asks Ian about win - Anthony resurrected from pool, Ian dies from electric shock
Reporter asks Anthony about win - Asks reporter to play, "NO!"
Peddle alternate scenes & bloopers video
Peddle shirt merch
Peddle Thanks for Subscribing

Pretty much the exact same camera and audio collection skill set
Same intro and closing graphics
Same ABCDEFG style format
They've had this same program nailed down for awhile since this was made

As an annual challenge this gives the following audience something to both look forward to and a reason to go back and review the same "event" from all previous years = CPM advertising $$$$

SEX ED ROCKS! 4:29 Nov 21, 2008 >> 20,314,237 views

  1. Text over black w/ voice over
  2. Previous Smosh Productions animated logo w/ familiar "Shut up!"
  3. Scene at park
  4. Begin scream music video in various locations
  5. Peddle shirts and posters
  6. Credits: white text on black + smosh.com peddle!

  • Image quality is poor
  • Shakey-cam is poor
  • Using boom mic, not lavs
  • Either background bird and traffic audio is not eliminated from original recording or layed in as background too loud
  • Poor use of bounce board - but at least they're trying! Remember, they're about 19yo then.

Both the technology and format have changed a lot in four years, but the comedic foundation stays true - as well as the "Shut up!"
I wonder what the story behind that is.

SIX YEARS AGO... Looks like they were putting out one of these every three weeks
Short 2: Stranded 2:16 Aug 23, 2006

  1. Old Smosh Productions logo intro (w/ something about vidiLife.com on there), and the "Shut up!" voice over
  2. Video title w/ Anthony & Ian credits + smosh.com peddle
  3. Anthony washed ashore
  4. Anthony keeping a journal
  5. Sit and watch for rescue
  6. Found apple, threaten to eat Jamal
  7. Document Jamal ate himself
  8. He cheated Robbie into death to eat him
  9. Eats his feces
  10. Looses all hope, pull back to reveal on heavily populated beach
  11. Two friends overlook
  12. Back to beach, CRACK IS WHACK overlay. BITCH.
  13. Thanks to supporting company

Rudimentary video quality
Shakey cam not unexpected
Good voice over/background audio mix


Folks, don't worry about having the perfect whatever RIGHT NOW!
(Creationists, avert your eyes!) Things evolve. Deal.

Next up: JennaMarbles
Lookey at what I found Mike Diva contributed to:
MDivas short: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jYxxZjeGig

And here's the animation group I mentioned in an earlier post:

Now, I'll concede that if and when we get our first group project up and running we won't have any coherent unifying content.
That has both pros and cons to it.
Pro: Not too many viewers (beyond your peer group here) to watch you crash and burn - if that's your fate - a few times before you get your act together.
Con: It's almost pointless to promote a disjointed group of content.

This is why I proposed a two-tier system. A kiddie pool and a grown up pool. Varsity & JV. Training & show.
So after all of this analysis, what would be the three key things for youtube success?

My thoughts:

  • Humor, particularly of the animal house variant works well
  • Post consistantly
  • Do it for a long f*cking time

Any different key takeaways?
Definitely count me in, I'll start posting things by next friday. I could certainly post one a week for the next year before delving into my truly lesser works. And in terms of the "wrap-up show", with me and MetalRenard, we could alternate weeks on a "hey, new piece of music posted" spot.

The big question will be, how will our videos/network/channels stand out from the masses of crap that are being posted every day.
Any different key takeaways?
Additional, rather than different:
  • Use optimal keywords in title
  • Market and promote effectively to a marketable audience
  • Provide content for a specific marketable audience

Definitely count me in, I'll start posting things by next friday.

The big question will be, how will our videos/network/channels stand out from the masses of crap that are being posted every day.
We don't have that one nailed down just yet.
Baby steps.
The cross promotion ought to help some.
Simply taking the time to play each others material will at some point benefit. A modified ponzi scheme, essentially.
Otherwise... provide better cr@p than the masses?

Odds are is that we're going to end up making music videos as a result of our joint collusion and proximity.
I'm going to hear one of your tracks and think "AHAH! I have a visual in mind for THAT!"
I'll contact you, we'll kibitz, figure out some parameters, shoot, edit, mutually approve and make a Mike Diva-esque video.
We both now have something to put on our own channels.
I benefit. You benefit.
Alternatively, you'll see something I've shot, think "AHAH! I have music in mind for THAT!", and the process runs again.
We both now have something to put on our own channels.
I benefit. You benefit.

Not all the time.
But it will happen occasionally, especially when we beat down the path first and new people join the group, a key point Sweetie touched on in post #67.

I wonder what happened to this little project of someone else's:
Wheels just kinda fell off 2yrs ago with few relative views of decent enough content
Someone else's proof of concept?
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Oh, and don't forget...
To maximize our social presence on the WWW, at some point each of us needs to cobble together a handful of these into a manageable cluster:


Don't know if I'll put together several today or this weekend, but certainly by the end of next week.

(D2mnation. This is looking like work. This counts as part of my "one hour a week", right? Might gotta bump that up to an hour-and-a-half per week. Sigh... )
The value of this service scales based on what you want to pay. The free version at least makes it easy to go through a set of sites. They have a pay version that will instantly sign you up for all of the various accounts.

We did that by hand for a project recently. Signing up for 120 accounts in a day is not plesant.


I would also suggest the individual creators find message boards in their niche and sign up there too. Post for a while before promoting your stuff.
The value of this service scales based on what you want to pay...

I would also suggest the individual creators find message boards in their niche and sign up there too. Post for a while before promoting your stuff.

Nice find!

And agreed.

Also, do we want to setup a website or blog for this?

I don't mind setting up a site and hosting it, I would just ask that others would contribute content.

Great. Sold!
IDK if we're quite there just yet, but I'm thinking it would be fairly soon within the next few weeks.

Where are the collective "we" on this group channel + individual channels?
Do you guys feel like we've got enough for someone to just say "Screwit. Here's a d@mn channel. Ya'll start contributing content so that I can link it."

I think I'm good to go.
Lucky H?
Ya'll ready or feel like we need to wait a few weeks until we hammer out some more stuff?

We wanna/gonna start throwing out suggested names for the group?

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Next subject: Social Media Marketing.
Because WTH's the point of being another "me too?"




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This is basic stuff, but a simple plan for social media makes everything just flow.


It isn't rocket science, but most people can't follow that type of a template.

On content creation, I'm traveling through mid-january. I'll be geared up and ready to go (wrt to video production) at that point.


I think a naming / by-laws type meeting may have value. Is everyone on Google+ or skype, etc?
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I'll have to take a just look at that link this weekend, but thank you.

I freely admit to being something of a modern Luddite, and if I can set up a FB + YT + Blogger or Wordpress blog + probably a twitter account, too, then there's no reason why anyone else can't either.
Of course all that begins with a email account, which isn't anything.
I have about six or seven email accounts for various reasons, WTH's one or two more?
(Of course, passcode management is becomming an issue. Ha! Can't outsmart myself.)

Making mid to late JAN 2013 a decent target date works fine enough for me.
Up until a couple weeks ago no one was doing nothing as a group anyways.
What's another 4 - 6 weeks?

Naming & By-laws are good.
I don't have skype capabilities, (being a neo-Luddite and all.)
Don't know about google+, but I'll look into it.

I'm concerned if we go into this half cock/@ssed Lucky's gonna bail on us. Maybe Sweetie, too.
Lucky & Sweetie, you two seem to have a pretty darn good idea of what you guys want and how you want it done.
I can respect that.
Can you guys stomach a little futzin' around while the rest of us get our act together?

PS, Mannie Bothans, I see you lookin' around here! ;)
You interested in playing ball, too?

And where'd Steve and Paul G get off to?
GA & Bird, ya'll wanna play, as well?

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More homework:



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As long as there is content to pimp, I'm almost ready to start pimpin'. Need a tad longer to get my pimp hand strong, because pimpin' ain't easy. Seriously though, I'm waiting until after the first of the year to buy some key gear for tax reasons. After that, I'm ready to roll. I started converting one of the rooms of my shop into a studio. It's roughly 13 feet by 17 feet. I have one of my old projectors in there with a digital media interface. I'm going to hang studio track along the back wall and run various backgrounds on it. One will be green screen of course. I'll also have white, black and some others to be determined. I'll also be using this space as a photography studio.

One of the major problems with working with strippers is that they tend to be flakier than a leper colony. If the one that has already signed on doesn't pan out, I have a couple of others waiting in the wings. I'm also doing a character driven show that only requires me, myself and I to get done.

We could use the central website/blog as a way for us to communicate with each other and exchange information and files without bogging down the server here.

If any of you wonderful music folks are interested in working up a theme song or two, let me know because I could use a couple. If not, I'll either use Apple Loops or some public domain songs for the themes and transitions.
I have been studying youtube video trends for quite some time. I like where you are going with this, and honestly I thought about posting something like this a while back.

I have been pimping the same short film for the past year using various methods of promotion. At one time I had it in the top position for "film de femme." I took it down and put it back up on the first. So far it is ranking okay.


Organization and Structuring

Organization is the first thing the group needs. There needs to be one central channel with the satellites (individual channels) linked to the side under other channels.

There has to be a limit to the number of channels on the side. 10 is a decent number for the initial hub. The reason is to limit the initial number is to create a sense of unity for the viewers. They have to believe that the core channels are strong, and that this is an actual brand.

The hub would have a review show, a DIY show, and a daily Showcase that promoted the content of the 10. The review show would give reviews for other participants outside the 10.

Now, there can be more than 10, but I am just staying with that for simplicity.

Okay, each channel, including the HUB, would have to create a schedule for content. This will be used to give followers an idea of when to check out the individual channels.

The hub will feature a schedule of shows and events so that followers of the hub will have an opportunity to see content of the 10 and beyond.

Each channel will have a non generic themed background.

Each of the 10 should provide the hub with a trailer for upcoming SHOWS, especially if it is something major. These trailers will be shown in the middle of the Review show and other shows on the HUB.

Marketing and Networks

Youtube has changed the way videos are ranked. It is now more important to think about the structure of shows while also keeping length in mind. The average youtube viewer will not stick around past 30 seconds if the content does not scream to him within the first 15 seconds.

Long intros featuring Logos will only get the content nexted.

Our goal is to make sure that each of the members of this crew knows how to properly structure and pace videos for youtube views. Also, we need to keep the methods used private until we reach a point of success.

Ultimately, our goal is to eventually get large enough to be our own recognized Network. One which can sign and promote smaller groups and acts.

We need to figure out what content each member of the crew will be bringing and set up a rough schedule how it will fit in.

I am creating an action series for early 2013. I may also have a comedy series. It really depends on how much time I have. I am also well versed in Search engine optimization and content management.
I'm concerned if we go into this half cock/@ssed Lucky's gonna bail on us. Maybe Sweetie, too.
Lucky & Sweetie, you two seem to have a pretty darn good idea of what you guys want and how you want it done.
I can respect that.
Can you guys stomach a little futzin' around while the rest of us get our act together?

I'm quite patient. I'd rather take the time to set things up right and have a clear and concise plan in mind to make it a success. Rushing and pushing to do something fast on the risk of losing something or someone is typically a bad idea. If you're going to lose someone which would force you on a time table clearly too small to make it work well, is a recipe for disaster. I only like to move fast when I see an opportunity and have a winning plan to take advantage of that opportunity. It doesn't have to be a perfect plan, a decent plan with a decent chance of success.

To be successful, it's going to take a lot of work from everyone, and I'd rather be fairly sure we're paddling in the right direction, rather than buying a ticket on the Titanic.

I also value and prefer balanced teams. I'm not even close to the point where I think we have even half of what we need to make this work. In my opinion, we need a clear "Captain of the ship" or at a minimum, clear people in charge of the specific important areas. If that makes sense? I'm not talking about only people who agree with me either. I also value smart people with opposite opinions too.

There's a TV show floating around at the moment. Viral Video Showdown. It's a reality style show that pegs groups against each other to make a video to go viral within a particular time table. I've only seen a few episodes so far (for some more to watch, maybe tomorrow) and you'll see the kind of groups that dominate the youtube space. They've got teams that cover most areas. Writing, acting, camera, directing, producing, editing, sfx etc. The teams lack a marketer, but for this show, they don't need (or even want) one.

Unless we've decided to do animation, we're going to need actors. AFAIK none are in this thread. Does anyone have decent access to (preferably free) actors? I currently don't have anyone who I'd be confident to be able to rely upon. On top of that, most actors (or other key people needed to make videos) would get mighty pissed off if they're working for free without a slice of the action.

Locality can also become an issue. Most of us are spread across the universe. It's going to make it difficult to pull off with that issue.

I'm definitely in, but don't rush it. I'm not interested in something that I see will become a sinking ship, and rushing in is going to be a fast track for that to happen.

Also, what roles is everyone interested in? Personally for me: Marketing, Producing (organizing), Editing would be my strengths. Writing second drafts is something I'm ok at and I'm trying to get motivated to learn sfx software with a keen interest in compositing, while I'm a fast learner when motivated I'll be green for a little while.

Everyone else? Roles?

Is everyone on Google+ or skype, etc?

I'm not but I'm sure I can figure them out ;)
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Unless we've decided to do animation, we're going to need actors. AFAIK none are in this thread. Does anyone have decent access to (preferably free) actors? I currently don't have anyone who I'd be confident to be able to rely upon. On top of that, most actors (or other key people needed to make videos) would get mighty pissed off if they're working for free without a slice of the action.

Locality can also become an issue. Most of us are spread across the universe. It's going to make it difficult to pull off with that issue.

Yeah I was wondering about this too. I mean if you were to work together wouldn't it pretty much be limited to things you can do across the web. Everyone would essentially have to have their own production going on. Then the marketing aspects would be the whole group working together to promote the content. To me it seems the hardest thing is getting out constant content. So when you have a combination of 10 different production groups working together, even though you won't all be posting onto the same channel, it will still give easy content, that you don't really have to think about to make, to the main hub.

I also already have a website with a blog up. I got the twitter and facebook and all that crap for my channel. My stuff isn't great and doesn't have a ton of followers but I can help set one up at least or if anything my blog posts can help add to the content of the main site maybe. I could start writing about your guys stuff. I mean even though I basically have 0 following right now. If you would like I could actually write some stuff right now for you guys and just at least have a second place where people can find your video, if anything.

I like where you guys are going with this and I'd like to be a part of it, if it's available. I'd like to be able to do whatever I can to help get this off the ground, so just let me know. And as I said in my last post I am going to try and get content out every week. For example just yesterday I released my first stock video pack. It isn't really anything special but ykno it's something to put on the channel and a reason for people to possibly find my website. I am going to try and keep an eye on this thread and post here a bit more so I don't have to read 2 pages every time to catch up.
Well if this project is serious I guess I can contribute music for your shows. Theme tunes, background music, all that. Can I recommend inviting Tanadrine Studios in too? He does an animated series called Delura and I've already started working with him making the soundtrack. He's also made a lot of tutorials on how to animate.
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